Does the ad appeal to your emotions

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706455

Analyzing Advertisements

Analyzing advertisements can help in crafting effective promotional plans. For this assignment, identify and evaluate three magazine advertisements that you find appealing or disturbing.

Search the internet for three magazine advertisements (use Google Images or Yahoo Images to find advertisements) and answer the following questions below for each ad:

What types of consumers do you think would find this ad appealing? Describe the target audience (age, gender, and lifestyle).

What motivations does the ad use to grab and hold attention?

Does the ad appeal to your emotions? Why or why not?

How does the ad get people to buy the product?

Does the ad tell the truth (give the whole picture)? Do you detect any exaggeration or suspicious promises?

What advertising appeals are used to sell the product? Explain how the techniques are used in the advertisement.

Guidelines for Submission: Short papers should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Page-length requirements:1-2 pages.

1-3 Short Paper

Reference no: EM131706455

Questions Cloud

Review case based on video surveillance company :, a video surveillance company, has issued a work rule requiring its employees to have radio frequency identification chips embedded.
Perform a scan of your home and business network : Perform a scan of your home and/or business network. Take note of the results. Perform the test several times through the day, and note any differences.
Market-based approaches to reducing air pollution : The government is thinking about market-based approaches to reducing air pollution such as corrective taxes, command and control, and tradeable pollution.
Why immune regulation is important give example : What are primary lymphoid organs and secondary lymphoid organs and their functions? Why immune regulation is important? Give example
Does the ad appeal to your emotions : What motivations does the ad use to grab and hold attention? Does the ad appeal to your emotions? Why or why not?
What unfair labor practices has lawson committed : When the UFCW filed a representation petition with the NLRB, seeking an election, employees were told that the stores would close if they voted in the union.
Differences between these two types of accounting : start with explaining the differences between these two types of accounting - focus on these two accounting systems differs
What are three major functions of immunoglobulins : What are three major functions of immunoglobulins? Which one is most abundant in serum? What are the functions of each Ig class
How marketers plan product introduction and maintenance : Distinguish among the various product classifications and how marketers plan product introduction and maintenance.


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