Reference no: EM133256037
Question 1. More than four decades after the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, many libertarians and conservatives continue to believe that the law is a violation of states' rights. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Question 2. In listening to President Kennedy's speech, do you believe that the promise held by the Civil Rights Act has been met? Why or why not?
Question 3. Businesses sometimes discriminate against their customers on the basis of sex. A bar may charge females a reduced or waived cover charge in a "Ladies Night" promotion, for example, to increase the female ratio in their audience. Hair salons routinely charge more for services to women, and even dry cleaners charge higher prices for cleaning women's clothes. Do you believe these forms of discrimination should be illegal? Why or why not?
Question 4. Research demonstrates that taller, more athletic, and more attractive people earn more in the workplace than shorter, less fit, or less attractive people. Do you believe this is unfair, and if so, do you believe the law should be amended to protect these classes?
Question 5. Race and color can never be BFOQs. Does that mean that an African American actor could play Abraham Lincoln in a movie reenactment of Lincoln's life? Why or why not?