Does such an argument hold water

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Reference no: EM132893189 , Length: word count: 300

1. Discuss the First Opium War and the role that the Western powers played in spreading and controlling the use of opium in China and other areas during that time period.

2. In conducting additional research outside of the weekly readings, within recent years, many of our top elected officials and law enforcement agencies have condemned what is seen as a huge increase in Chinese illegal drug involvement/importation including Fentanyl and other powerful narcotics being trafficked in the U.S. and other parts of the western hemisphere. While on the other side some Chinese supporters have asked how is this any different than what the west did to China in the early years

Question 1: Does such an argument hold water...why or why not? Also if you think it does merit a comparison...does two wrongs make a right?

Reference no: EM132893189

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