Does right of reply provide an adequate alternative

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133552085


Defamation is not protected speech and is, therefore, subject to ex post facto punishment. A criticism of this approach is that, unless the criteria upon which speech is punishable are very clear, the inevitable consequence is self-censorship. When a jury is responsible for determining (summary judgments not withstanding), on a case by case basis, what constitutes necessary conditions such as a defamatory statement, actual malice, negligence, etc.... Do we have sufficient safeguards for free speech? Should all libel law, as currently constructed, be set aside? Does "right of reply" provide an adequate alternative?

Reference no: EM133552085

Questions Cloud

Define government : Briefly define "Government" in your own words, and list 3 reasons why you feel government is necessary?
Describe rational choice theory : How it explains public administration or policy. Define what is theory and evaluate the extent to which the selected theory meets this definition.
How is media ownership different in the united states : How is media ownership different in the United States than in much of the rest of the world?
Is democracy currently under threat : What developments occurred following the third wave of democratization? Is democracy currently under threat?
Does right of reply provide an adequate alternative : Should all libel law, as currently constructed, be set aside? Does "right of reply" provide an adequate alternative?
What makes them about nationalism : Is it primarily a negative or positive thing? Why? Can you think of unique examples or manifestations of nationalism? What makes them about nationalism?
Why are those political scenior thesis research : Why are those political scenior thesis research questions related to the security in the Asia-Pacific puzzling?
How do the entertainment media affect our culture : What is the CSI Effect? How do the entertainment media affect our culture? What is a meta-analysis?
Why is liberalism important : Why is Liberalism important? What does liberalism mean to you and why is it important to your close views? What are some pros and cons of liberalism?


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