Does price discrimination increase or decrease the publisher

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131132894

Book Pricing and Elasticity of Demand. A publisher initially prices both hardback books and paperback books at $20 per book. The hardback version comes out first, followed two months later by the paperback version. The publisher initially sells the same number of hardbacks and paperbacks (100 each). Each book costs $2 to produce.

a. Complete the following table.


b. The price elasticity of demand for hardback (eager) buyers is 0.50, and the price elasticity of demand for paperback (patient) buyers is 2.00. Suppose the publisher increases the price for hardbacks by 10 percent and decreases the price of paperbacks by 10 percent. Complete the following table

c. Does price discrimination increase or decrease the publishers profit?

Reference no: EM131132894

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