Does one who kills another deserve to die

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Reference no: EM13172280

Does one who kills another "deserve" to die? Why or why not? Are there circumstances that would change your answer? Make two lists (perhaps using a table with two columns). In one column, list the circumstances in which a killer would deserve to die; in the other, list circumstances in which a killer would NOT deserve to die. Now analyze factors that set the two lists apart, such as: Qualities of the killer? Previous circumstances or actions of the victim? Qualities of the victim? Qualities of the intention behind the act? Features of the society in which the killing takes place? Calculations of the likely consequences of assigning that particular penalty to that kind of act? What does the exercise tell you about your tendency to rely on deontological or utilitarian reasoning? What does it tell you about your sense of the sacredness of human life?

750 words 

Reference no: EM13172280

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