Reference no: EM133636485
Please read carefully.
We will meet the following objectives:
1- Locate and read data sources for the research project.
2- Analyze data source materials to discuss how they support or refute the working thesis.
3- Apply APA citation format to document data sources.
4- Utilize the annotated bibliography and outline to write the paper.
Build an essay using the thesis, outline and sources provided.
Please Include: Abstract, Introduction,Background, Body, conclusion, References
See sample assignment to follow
Do the research paper in Word, Times New Roman 12 font, double space.
For References: APA7 citation
I. Introduction
Thesis Question: Does nature have a greater impact on human development and behavior than nurture?
II. Background.
A. The argument of nature vs nurture has existed since many decades ago.
1. The controversy narrows down to the contributions of inherited or genetic and environmental elements to human development and behavior.
2. The origins of the term nature vs nurture was introduced by polymath Sir Francis Galton's 1874 publication in which he stated that "human intelligence and characteristics are derived from hereditary factors."
B. A series of studies were conducted by some of the world's prominent philosophers like Galton and Bouchard who concluded that the variation in behavioral traits is due in part to genes. (Baker, Catherine. (2004).)
1. The argument still, however, remains debatable today.
2. Some argue that both nature and nurture are equally impactful to human development.
3. In contrast to Galton's theory, other philosophers such as John Locke who pioneered his famous theory that children are born a "blank slate" with their characteristics forming entirely from learning and experience.
III. Nature vs Nurture on intelligence and talent.
A. How do some people become more intelligent and talented than others?
1. What people can accomplish given relevant experiences, resources, and support and how this potential develops is said to be due to human potential.
2. Plomin and Spinath concluded that if inherited differences fail to account for the variation of a specific intelligent trait, then the sources of the variation must be related to environmental factors.
B. Other studies concluded that the average IQ scores have increased over generations, suggesting that societal advancement can lead to significant improvement in cognitive abilities. (Flynn, 1987)
C. More studies argued that intelligence is extremely genetic, with 50% contributions to IQ being influenced by genetic variations. (Plomin & Spinath, 2004).
IV. Nature vs Nurture on personality and behavior
A. The assumptions of the environmentalists or empiricists have proven their assumptions through several experiments and studies.
1. Their primary assumption is that the human mind "tabula rasa" is gradually developed because of experience.
2. From this opinion, psychological characteristics and behavioral differences that emerge through learning infancy and childhood are the results of learning.
3. The bobo doll experiment, conducted by Bandura, social learning supported the hand of nurture in human development. It demonstrated that children develop aggressive behavior through observing and imitating guardians thus highlighting the strong influence of environmental factors, specifically social learning, and behavior over natural orientations. (Bandura,1961)
4. Other claims mentioned that experiences in our childhood have a significant impact on our adult personalities. (Freud, 1095)
B. At the other side of the coin, the nativists assumptions drawn from behavioral genetic experiments proclaimed that behavior and personality are highly determined by genes, which are the fundamental units of heredity. (Baker, Catherine. (2004).
1. Reports by Plomin, indicated that "DNA differences are the major systematic source of psychological differences in humans." He went on to stress that environmental effects are important but our knowledge from experiences are mostly random occurrences. (Plomin, 2018)
2. Psychology has significantly supported many behavioral genetic studies, allowing nativists to quantify the impacts of both nature and nurture with regards to psychological development in humans.
3. A great method to achieve these results is to experiment with families who share identical genes in separate environments. (Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. (1994, June 17)
C. The twin Study
1. Over the past decades, famous twin studies have dominated the controversy of nature vs nurture.
2. In these studies, conclusions were drawn from two sets of twins raised in separate environments.
3. The results depicted strong similarities between the twins in interests, thought and personality despite changes in environments. (Haworth, Davis, Plomin, 2013; Oliver & Plomin, 2007; Trouton, Spinath, & Plomin, 2002).
4. Other research of twins in early development study confirmed the relations between twins on a scale of personality and behavioral attributes.
V. Conclusion
1. To relinquish this perpetual debate, most researchers came to the realization that neither nature nor nurture is more significant than the other.
2. While many may take the nativist, or the empiricist route, the reality is that there is no basic method to quantify the numerous variations that impact human development and behavior.