Does nasa have a learning organization culture

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131044025

Article: The Pursuit of Images of Columbia

I. Discuss the organizational culture at the human space flight program of NASA. In your answer, be sure to include (al brief history of NASA. (hi organizational structure/chain of command. (c) communication channels. Id) risk tolerance. and (e) acceptance of dissent.

2. (a) Discuss 2-7 advantages provided by the cuiturc of the human space flight program of NASA.
lb) Discuss 2-3 disadvantages of the culture of the human space flight program of NASA.

For example. is this culture suited to their environment? Think of the fit between goals. structure and culture at this organization. Does this culture facilitate or hinder communication? Does this culture facilitate or hinder creativity and innovation?

3. How would you have drafted the email if you were in Rodney Rocha's situation? Is email always the best way to communicate? When is it a good medium and when does it present limitations that introduce risk to the organization?

4. Should Rocha have communicated more persistently through means other than email? Should he have jumped the chain of command and attempted to plead his case at levels higher than his immediate boss-even to the flight director or the mission management team head? Or would he have been overstepping his authority? In what circumstances is -overstepping one's authorityl-perceived or real-justified? Are there right and wrong ways to go up the chain of command?

5. Does NASA have a "learning organization" culture? If not, then how can NASA achieve such an organizational culture? What type of leadership will facilitate that process?

6. Describe 2-3 personal takeaways from this case (related to concepts from this course)?

• How is this case going to influence your communication style?

• What have you learnt from this case about organizational culture?

Reference no: EM131044025

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