Does moral behavior lead to happiness

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Reference no: EM132639012

Research Paper Assignment

• double-spaced WITHOUT an extra line-space between paragraphs.
• Turabian styled
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o 12-point font, standard margins, and page numbers.
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Instructions for writing Paper:
• This is a research paper. Yourjob is to research what a particular moral philosopher would say about a certain philosophical question.
• Selected one of the ethical questions below and one of the philosophers below and explain how the philosopher would answer the question.
o Some philosophers are easier to research than others.
o Some combinations are easier than others. For instance, 9+F would be much easier to research than 4+L.
o You can choose a philosopher that is not on this list of ancient white men, but you should consult with me first, because I don't want this to be harder for you than it needs to be.
• You must use a minimum of ACADEMIC3 sources.
o At least 1 primary source
o At least 1 secondary source
• Advice: Students ALWAYS do better on their assignments when they meet with their professor at least once well before the paper is due. I have office hours. You should come see me about your paper during office hours.

Select one question and one philosopher and describe how [Letter] would answer the philosophical question [number].

Philosophical Questions:
1. What does it mean to live a good life?
2. Can a society exist without laws?
3. How does someone become a good person?
4. Does moral behavior lead to happiness?
5. Is it ever moral to kill someone rather than letthem live?
6. Is suicide always wrong?
7. Should you report your best friend if they commit a crime?
8. How do we decide what is right or wrong in a globalized world? (Examples of moral issues that hotly contested across cultures: Child marriages, female circumcision, same-sex marriage)
9. Is it wrong to legally mandate vaccinations?
10. Are Stop-and-Frisk laws immoral?


A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Augustine
E. David Hume
F. Jeremy Bentham
G. Immanuel Kant

H. Augustine
I. Thomas Aquinas
J. John Locke
K. Thomas Hobbes
L. John Stuart Mill
M. John Rawls
N. G.E.M. Anscombe

O. Frederick Nietzsche
P. Michel Foucault

Attachment:- Research Paper Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132639012

Questions Cloud

Derive function for cobb-douglas production function : -Derive this function for the Cobb-Douglas production function with constant returns to scale.
Physical differences in brain structure and function : Considering the evidence of physical differences in brain structure and function that underlie the expression of psychopathic behavior, discuss the implications
Unreasonable searches and seizures from government entities : The Fourth Amendment of the United States protects U.S. citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures from government entities.
Continues to evolve in criminal investigations : Biometrics continues to be an emerging field, and its use continues to evolve in criminal investigations.
Does moral behavior lead to happiness : How do we decide what is right or wrong in a globalized world? Examples of moral issues that hotly contested across cultures: Child marriages, female circumcis
What tools you would use to recover the evidence : What tools you would use to recover the evidence? How would you package the evidence for safekeeping and transportation?
Define courts of limited jurisdiction : Define courts of limited jurisdiction and courts of general jurisdiction. Provide specific examples of each and the types of cases each are authorized to hear.
What is the variable cost per unit : Your boss would like you to estimate the fixed and variable components of a particular cost Actual data for this cost - what is the variable cost per unit
Discuss the four basic philosophies of punishment : Discuss the four basic philosophies of punishment; retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation.



9/21/2020 9:24:11 PM

Note, please keen attention on the following: You must use a minimum of ACADEMIC 3 sources. - At least 1 primary source - At least 1 secondary source

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