Does monsanto maintain an ethical culture that effectively

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Reference no: EM132271490

Discussion Questions :

Does Monsanto maintain an ethical culture that effectively responds to various stakeholders?

Compare the benefits of growing GM seeds for crops with the potential negative consequences of using them.

How should Monsanto manage the potential harm to plant and animal life from using products such as Roundup?

1. Yes, I believe Monsanto tries their best to maintain an ethical culture regardless of what is brought upon them to defend. Monsanto addresses environmental concerns and health risk. According to them they are up to date with approval by the EPA. They try their best to improve whatever concerns stakeholders have about them affecting the environment. It is up to the stakeholders to decide if they feel that the organization is ethical or not.

2. One of the benefits of growing GM seeds is that it helps farmer grow more crops on less land. It also has led to farmers profit increasing. Also, the increase in GM seeds helps by not taking up land and help meet the worlds agriculture needs. The negative consequences are the health and environmental concerns it can cause. Although, GM seeds are tested and approved the long- term effects are still unknown. Gm seeds could still be health risk to humans and animals.

3. The use of Roundup can affect animals and humans. The way Monsanto should manage potential damage is by not using the product in the first place. If that isn't an alternative, then they should try more testing to improve the product to be safer and making sure all the EPA standards are in order. They can also try being limiting the amount of Roundup products are distributed and place warning labels on foods that contain it.

Reference no: EM132271490

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