Reference no: EM133480229
Case Study: As I continue to refine my dissertation topic, I find myself drawn to the topic of marketing digital transformation (DX). As a Marketing Technology consultant and entrepreneur, I have observed the importance and impact of DX in shaping business outcomes. Unfortunately, the existing literature concerning this topic is not as robust compared to others. Therefore, it is important for me to delve deeper to enrich my understanding and contribute meaningfully to academic literature.
Currently, I work with larger corporations. However, as I expand my services to smaller businesses, it will become important to learn more about how ever evolving digital landscape may impact the revenue and performance outcomes of those smaller businesses. Therefore, some of the research questions I would like to explore is:
Question 1: Does marketing DX significantly influence the revenue for SMBs?
H1: There is not a significant difference in revenue between SMBs that implement marketing DX and those that do not.
Ha: There is a significant difference in revenue between SMBs that implement marketing DX and those that do not.
The appropriate statistical test for this hypothesis would be an independent samples t-test since I will be comparing the means of two independent groups: SMBs with marketing DX and those without (Gerald, 2018).
Question 2: What is the relationship between marketing digital transformation and the overall performance of SMBs?
H2: There is no significant relationship between marketing digital transformation and the overall performance of SMBs.