Does globalization improve the lives of people

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131558924


Based on the videos, required readings, and your own scholarly / reliable non-scholarly research, discuss the following questions:

- Present three major viewpoints on the future of international business and globalization. The viewpoints are reflected in the Cavusgil, Knight, and Riesenberger's case study:International Business: The New Realities - Globalization of Markets and the Internationalization of the Firm which features an activist/critic, a business executive, and a government trade official who debate the merits of globalization. This case study can be found in eReserves (Content>Course Resources>eReserves, select eReserves, and the case study is the fourth title in the list). The simulation requires you to take the position of either the CEO/business executive or the activist/critic. Assess the major viewpoints and arguments critically: What are the issues? What are the value conflicts and assumptions behind the stated positions? Does globalization improve the lives of people in developed and developing nations?

- Go to . Use the Globalization Index Charting Tool to compare/contrast the two countries you chose on the 5 key categories. Discuss briefly: How globalized are we? What is being measured and why is accuracy important?

- There may be potentially negative consequences for foreign companies conducting cross-border business. Given the new limitations from host governments or politics facing foreign investors, what accommodations to reduce risk should these companies consider in entering an emerging market?

Reference no: EM131558924

Questions Cloud

Issue some shares with subscription rights : The company HJK wants to issue some shares with subscription rights.
Describe the five needs in maslows hierarchy : Describe the five needs in Maslow's hierarchy. Illustrate each one with a concrete example of how a student might behave
Share trades at price-to-book ratio : A share trades at a price-to-book ratio of 0.8. Explain whether his recommendation agrees with his forecast.
Difference between individual and social constructivism : xplain the difference between individual constructivism and social constructivism. Describe two teaching strategies consistent with each perspective
Does globalization improve the lives of people : Present three major viewpoints on the future of international business and globalization. The viewpoints are reflected in the Cavusgil, Knight.
Explain what is normal probability distribution : Please explain what is a normal probability distribution, and what it means to “assume” that stock returns are roughly normally distributed.
Assets likely has the highest level of risk : Which of the following assets likely has the highest level of risk (therefore the highest expected return)?
How would you define abnormal behavior : How would you define "abnormal behavior"? Which of the three qualities discussed in your text----deviation from the norm
What is the net present worth of the system : The system will save $5236 per year because of efficiencies. Ms. Child uses a MARR of 8% to evaluate investments. What is the net present worth of the system?


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