Does given paper sustain a coherent point of view

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131209826

Answer the following questions after reading the papers in the attachment respectively.

1. Does this paper sustain a coherent point of view? Why or why not?

2. Could the readability, clarity, or style of this paper be improved? How?

3. Rate the strength of this paper's argument.(rate from 1-5)

4. How smoothly does this paper integrate examples into its own argument? Does it clearly illustrate connections between the evidence it cites and the ideas they support, or does it merely assume them? Explain.

5. Could the writer of this paper have omitted certain passages to make this paper more concise? If yes, which ones?

6. Scan and spot the paper for the any of the following problems: jargon, colloquialisms, informality, clichés, and wordiness. Give a few examples of these problems, if they exist.

7. To what extent does this paper clearly identify a trend? (rate from 1-5)

8. To what extent is the paper's tone appropropriate for its audience? (rate from 1-5)

9. Does the paper adhere to proper format, grammar, mechanics, organization, and fluency?

Attachment:- PeerMark 1.rar

Attachment:- PeerMark 2.rar

Attachment:- PeerMark 3.rar

Reference no: EM131209826

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