Does equality impose duties

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Reference no: EM1378776

Does equality impose duties?

Most Americans claim to embrace ideals of human equality and to condemn hatreds based on race, although ethnicity (Hispanic, Middle Eastern) and cultural heritage continue to be sources of controversy in regards to racial profiling, as in Arizona's new "show your papers" law. Most Americans claim to support equal rights for women, but even most women refuse to identify as feminists. Poor, unemployed and homeless people are routinely condemned as welfare cheats, and persons with felony records are all but unemployable. Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, and other religious minorities are marginalized. Gay, lesbian, inter-sexed and transgender people are denounced for choosing depraved lifestyles and may be dismissed from employment, denied partnership benefits, and discharged from military service.

What sort of moral duties, if any, bind those who claim to believe in human equality (both moral and civil)? Do who profess egalitarian principles have a duty to object when racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic comments are made in their presence, even when such objections might be costly to the speaker? Is religious or political affiliation an acceptable defense for derogatory remarks or discriminatory actions toward others?

Please offer your well reasoned answer (preferably as a Kantian Maxim or strong statement of duty).


Reference no: EM1378776

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