Does a leaders assertiveness affect the followers

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131932159


To respond to discussion response

Write a response in 300-500 words. The response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Do the following when responding to your peers:

• Read the discussion answer below.

o Provide substantive comments bycontributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;

o building on the remarks or questions of others; or

o sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences
Provide feedback to this discussion attached on their ideas.
o Make sure your writingis clear, concise, and organized;

o demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; anddisplays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Three possible research topics for organizational Leadership would be:

1). Should leaders be required to take coaching and mentoring classes and training since they transfer upwards of eighty percent of this knowledge into the workplace?

2). Does a leader's assertiveness affect the followers and leader's relationships, and job Performance?

3). Should leaders who complete leadership training be offered bonuses for taking classes above and beyond the requirements for their job?

Focus on whether it would bode well for an institution to recommend this to their leaders.

Some of the Leadership problems or opportunities that each will address? I feel that leaders should be required to take additional training for them to lead; but, however, they should not be given more pay. Leaders are making pretty good salaries many of them, and really do nothing.

Focus on whether companies should cover the costs of programs as an effective way to improve productivity. In many cases yes, companies should cover cost but, once employee's get what they need to move on many do just that. Therefore, Evaluate the effects of these programs and what research says are the most reliable programs to incorporate.

Also, consider a whether these programs are viable enough that the cost of implementing them in the workplace is outweighed by the increased productivity they bring. How a leader's treat employee's is why they stay or go. So, the relationship has to be, fair, firm, and hold consistency.

According to, Myatt, M. (2012). States "According to the American Society of Training and Development, U.S. businesses spend more than $170 Billion dollars on leadership-based curriculum, with the majority of those dollars being spent on "Leadership Training."

Here's the thing - when it comes to leadership, the training industry has been broken for years. You don't train leaders you develop them - a subtle yet important distinction lost on many.

Leadership training is alive and well, but it should have died long, long ago. With that being said, Leaders should not be paid for training." In addition, Myatt, M. (2012).

"The solution to the leadership training problem is to scrap it in favor of development. Don't train leaders, coach them, mentor them, disciple them, and develop them, but please don't attempt to train them."

Reference no: EM131932159

Questions Cloud

Statements about margin trading : Which of the following statements about margin trading is correct?
Explain the importance of the organizational strategy : Explain the importance of the organizational strategy and management strategy and why they are crucial in the small business management process.
How much will the buyer be ready to pay now : If the buyer can tell good or ordinary or bad, will the good cars sell? Will the ordinary cars sell? Will the bad cars sell?
Importance of effective interaction and liaison : Discuss, in detail the importance of effective interaction and liaison between the client and the contractor, in project management.
Does a leaders assertiveness affect the followers : Should leaders who complete leadership training be offered bonuses for taking classes above and beyond the requirements for their job?
What are critical knowledge and abilities of given position : With baby boomers retiring now and over the next decade, what should the HR function in firms be doing to prepare for a leadership vacuum?
Explain how the argument can be improved : Defend the argument from possible objections. Explain how the argument can be improved, how you would change it and why?
The return on equity : Company ABC has a market capitalization of $750 million, If the stock is currently trading at $30. The Return on Equity is:
What sequence of evidence best supports your claims : What sequence of evidence best supports your claims? How and where will you engage both with what other scholars have written about your subject?


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