Reference no: EM132379458 , Length: word count:1500
DOE Project Assignment -
Purpose - This project allows you to demonstrate your mastery of the principles of statistics and design of experiments by implementing a process improvement project. The first assignment is to assess the current operational settings.
Process Description - You are to investigate the performance of an injection-molding machine used in the manufacturing operations of the Mouse Factory. The response (output) variable is density (of a molded part). Ideally, density should be maximized.
The range of settings for each factor is shown below. For safety reasons, the plant cannot be operated above the upper range or below the lower range. Range checking is not performed and it is the experimenter's responsibility to ensure that settings do not exceed the tabled minimum or maximum values.
Mold Temperature
degrees C
Injection Velocity
Mold Pressure
Cooling Time
Assignment - You are to assess the initial setting using a statistical analysis. Provide information regarding the condition of the process and make both point and interval estimates for future values of density at the initial setting. The factor settings for the initial setting are available from the project website.
Initial Setting Analysis - Your analysis should contain three major components: a graphical analysis of density, a numerical summary of density and predictions of future performance of density in both a point estimate and interval estimate (with appropriate significance level).
Deliverables - You are to provide the following deliverables by the deadline:
- A professional, type written technical report describing your analysis and findings. This report should contain a listing of your data and any output from statistical analysis software. Your technical report should be short, probably less than five pages including output for this assignment.
DOE Project Report Guide -
Report Guide Purpose - This report guide is intended to provide additional information to enable students to write better project reports. Before reading this guide, please print the Project Report Assignment and Project Rubric and read these documents carefully before reading the report guide.
Technical Report Purpose - The first DOE assignment is intended to provide a "benchmark" of the current operating status of an injection-molding machine operating in the Mouse Factory. The information provided in the report should enable any outside person to completely understand the current operating status of the injection-molding machine and enable future improvement projects to demonstrate measurable results. Thus, the benchmark information is critical in proving any process improvement. Consider the following quote by Harrington,
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can't control it, you can't improve it."
Technical Report - You are to prepare a technical report. There are several implications and rules involved with writing a technical report. The first implication is that you will submit your report as a single file prepared using a word processing software program. The second implication is that your report should follow the structure of the rubric. Adding an introductory and concluding section to the topics listed in the rubric will create an excellent report (and likely increase your grade). Consider the writing rules:
- Your audience is the senior management of the company,
- Use the active, not passive, voice. For more information, visit this site.
- Write in third person. Your report should not contain "I" or "me". For more information, see item 3 from this website.
- Please perform a spelling and grammar check of your report. With modern software, there is no excuse for misspelled words.
Graphical Analysis - Graphical analysis of data is a powerful analytical technique. Graphs or figures can simultaneously provide information such as location or variability (which is easily summarized using numerical techniques) as well as the shape of a distribution (which is not easily capture using numerical techniques). Your graphical analysis section should contain a graph or graphs that display the location of distribution, the variability of a distribution and the shape of a distribution. In the body of the graphical analysis section, your report should contain your graph or graphs and comments on each of these characteristics: location, variability and shape.
Descriptive Statistics - Descriptive statistics or numerical summaries provide numerical estimates of the location and variability of data. Descriptive statistics are easily calculated using modern spreadsheets or statistical analysis software and should be included as a table in your report. It is not sufficient to include a table of numbers in your report. You must write about the contents of the table and explain its contents to the reader. You should also discuss similarities to the results found in your graphical analysis. In general, the descriptive statistics section will contain more precise information about the location and variability of your data but not the shape of your data.
Sampling Plan Explanation - The sampling plan explanation should describe the number of observations collected and your rationale for selecting this sample size. In general, developing sampling plans is a design trade-off of cost versus information. To acquire more information, larger sample sizes are required. Unfortunately, larger samples sizes are expensive and may not be possible. The sampling plan explanation should describe the manner in which the sampling plan satisfies the need for information without being overly expensive.
Future Performance Prediction - In the future performance prediction section, you will describe and present an interval estimate for the future values of density. Please notice that this section is not asking for a confidence interval on the (mean) density, but rather an interval estimate of future values of density. Your report should contain a description of the point and interval estimate used and an explanation of the significance level selected.
Note - Need 1500 words. To be solved using Minitab.
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