Documents reveal something that historians have to grapple

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131402800

Instructions: Answer the following questions on the assigned reading and respond to two of your classmates' postings. You need to utilize the assigned reading to answer these questions, and you need to provide evidence of your ideas. Posts should be about 2-3 paragraphs long. Be sure to be inquisitive in your responses to a classmate's posting. Do not simply respond with comments such as "good point" as that does not further any discussion of the ideas found in the reading (and it does not help your grade). Ask probing questions, challenge your colleagues, connect ideas to previous learning, and dive further into meanings, ideas, themes, etc. You can modify your posts any time prior to the listed due date. If your post is modified after the due date, then it is considered late (see the syllabus for my policy on late assignments). Be sure to cite sources when providing evidence (use MLA/parenthetical citations).

Prompt: This week and last week's assigned documents reveal something that historians have to grapple with all of the time: the meaning of ideas and definitions change depending on the viewpoint they come from. Reflect on this in light of the assigned documents for last week (Gorn; Lincoln "A House Divided"; Secession of South Carolina; Constitution of Confederate States of America) and the assigned documents from this week (Proclamation of April 17, 1861; Anti-secession Resolution; Emancipation Proclamation; James McPherson).

Based on the first letter of your last name, answer the following questions:

If your last name begins with A-L: In order to reflect on the above idea think about these questions: Why did northern states fight in the Civil War? Why did northern soldiers fight in the Civil War? Where do these ideas and definitions connect to the social significance of frontier fighting (Gorn), even though this kind of fighting was not about the Civil War itself? When you respond to classmates, respond to people who did not answer the same questions you did.


A House Divided

Secession of South Carolina Declaration

Constitution of Confederate States of America (note: you only need to read the Preamble)

Proclamation of April 17, 1861

Anti-secession Resolution

Emancipation Proclamation

Reference no: EM131402800

Questions Cloud

What are effects of a fully funded social security system : Under what conditions will a pay-as-you-go social security system improve welfare for those currently alive and for all future generations?
Is there sufficient evidence to indicate given : Is there sufficient evidence (at α = .01) to indicate that the population mean alkalinity level of water in the tributary exceeds 50 mpl?
Short and long-term causes of genocide : What were the short and long-term causes of this genocide? What role did ideology or prejudice play in this genocide? What role did more immediate political or military factors play? How did the rest of the world respond to this genocide? Do you th..
Develop a recruitment strategy : BSBMGT515: Manage operational plan - develop an operational plan to deliver organisation business goals and objectives and Develop a recruitment strategy; to meet the human resource requirements, of the organisational operational plan.
Documents reveal something that historians have to grapple : This week and last week's assigned documents reveal something that historians have to grapple with all of the time: the meaning of ideas and definitions change depending on the viewpoint they come from.
Discuss about the policemen of the world thesis : By the mid-20th century, the United States had become the dominant force in international relations. Some have argued that the United States' military functions as the world's "police." This assignment covers the manner in which this shift occurre..
What are two sources of credit market imperfections : Does the existence of credit market imperfections imply that there is a useful role for government tax policy?
Draw a sketch of the sampling distribution : Find the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of y‾.- Draw a sketch of the sampling distribution of y‾. Locate the mean on the graph.
Stereotypes of the american indian : Compare and contrast the two (opposite) stereotypes of the American Indian: the "Noble Redman" and "Savage Redskin". What purpose did each of these two images serve in the Euro-American imagination?


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