Reference no: EM133811916
Problem Statement
Assignment Content
The Course Capstone Project is a research and analysis project you will work on throughout the course. You are expected to
complete work on your Course Capstone each week.
The final product of your research and analysis will be an 8- to 10-page (2800 to 3500 words) policy statement that meets the guidelines set forth by the APHA Proposed Policy Statement Submission Guidelines.
You will choose the focus of your policy statement conduct research to understand the issue, and support your policy statement with evidence. Need solution, Order Now!
Write the following sections of your policy statement:
Rationale for consideration (175 to 350 words). You must address the following:
Students should explicitly state whether the proposed policy statement intends to update and replace an existing policy statement Students should list the policy statement numbers of the existing APHA policy statement.
Does the proposed policy statement address a policy statement gap identified by the Joint Policy Committee (JPC) for the current year? Students should list the policy statement gap indicated for the current year and discuss how the proposed policy statement addresses the policy statement gap. If not, proceed to the next section.
Does the proposed policy statement address a public health issue \10T identified by the JPC as a policy statement gap for the current year? Students should explain why APHA should adopt the proposed policy
statement on the public health issue.
Problem statement (175 to 350 words). This should succinctly describe the public health problem(s). In developing the
problem statement, you should address the following:
Scientific issues: Proposed policy statements must:
Describe the extent of the problem, including the health and economic burden to society, using the best available science and evidence.
State the scientific issue clearly. Use plain English and avoid jargon.
Document the issue as a public health problem using a balanced approach.
Describe any disproportionate impact on underserved populations, as well as ethical, equitable, economic, and political issues, if any.
Provide evidence that indicates that the problem is consistent with or advances the state of the science.
Descnbe any ethical, equitable, economic, and political issues (when appropriate).