Document that describes your process steps and results

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13974458

Requires use of SQL*PLUS Environment!

Use the sample.sql file provided for your e-Commerce project, design and implement a Virtual Private Database that limits database access. Your design should be based on two of your columns and two of your tables. (Hint: where coil = value1 AND col2 = value2). Which columns and tables you choose is up to you and will be based on your initial design. You may alter your tables if it makes sense to do so.
In most cases you will need to create a separate policy and function for each of the two tables you select. Use the tutorial as a reference and follow the steps for creating the policy function, creating the virtual private database policy and testing the policy.


1. Create a word or PDF document that describes your process, steps and results. Be sure to describe your schema and why you selected the tables and columns you did for your Private database. Provide screen shots showing the successful running of all of your SQL statements and testing your implementation. Be sure your testing is comprehensive and clearly demonstrates how the virtual private database restricts access to specific records. The document should be neat, well-organized, well-written and contain minimal grammar and spelling errors.

2. A .sql script file containing all SQL statements you used for this effort. All SQL statements should be in one file with appropriate connect statements to differentiate users who run the script. The script file should contain comments describe each major set of SQL statements. The script should run perfectly without error when executed from the Oracle SQL*PLUS environment.


Reference no: EM13974458

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