Do you wonder why people do the things they do

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Reference no: EM131247404


Do you wonder why people do the things they do? Why society works as it does? Ever think the world is "unfair"? Sociologists study people in the world, looking at patterns, at differences, at inequalities.

Imagine you are a sociologist, what theoretical perspective would you prefer in researching the social justice of police killing people in the United States: especially people of color and why? I am selecting the functionalist...Additionally, if you were asked to give the Justice Department advice on how to control social justice in the United States, what advice would you give?

Functionalist: uses a macro-sociological theory that sees society as being living organism. Each part has its particular function that serves to keep the organism healthy. For example, a function of the poor is to create jobs for policemen. Everything in society has a particular function, whether it is good or bad. Each function is necessary to the whole. The world basically is a stable ongoing entity. They are interested in how the parts of the social system contribute to the continuation of the social system. Must be 2 pages-APA Format, and reference page, and citations.

Verified Expert

The solution presents a socialistic and functionalism perspective in response to killing of Black by policeman in US. The solution is prepared in APA format and comprises of more than 600 words. The solution is unique and is free from any form of plagiarism.

Reference no: EM131247404

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Do you wonder why people do the things they do : Do you wonder why people do the things they do? Why society works as it does? Ever think the world is "unfair"? Sociologists study people in the world, looking at patterns, at differences, at inequalities.
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