Do you think your company has a right to do this

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13337074

Discussion Question 1

The sales team of Sand Shell Inc. consists of six persons who use the e-mail service extensively for their communication with clients. Bob, one of the salespeople, is going on a vacation. His boss Charles asks Bob to give the password of his system and e-mail account to Alfred. This is done in order to address any urgent issues that may come up when Bob is on leave. Is this an ethical practice? Do you feel this action can cause any serious privacy issues? If yes, what policy and technical solution do you feel the organization should have in place for such situations?

Discussion Question 2

You're working on your system in the office and surfing an entertainment Web site. Suddenly, a window pops up with a message from your boss telling you to stop wasting your time on such Web sites and get back to work. It's also clear that your boss can actually see exactly what you're doing on your system all the time! Do you think your company has a right to do this? Do you think they should have first informed you that they would be monitoring you? Discuss giving examples from relevant case histories available on the Web.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria


Response Criteria:

Met the criteria for the correct responses to the questions assigned.


Used vocabulary relevant to this week's topics (at least five terms).



Reference no: EM13337074

Questions Cloud

What will be charge on outer surface of outermost shell : Consider the concentric metal sphere and spherical shells. The innermost is a solid sphere that has a radius R1. A spherical shell surrounds the sphere and has an inner radius R2 and an outer radius R3.
If the alarm goes off and a person is refused admission : Authorized persons from a facility containing classified information. The device will ?erroneously admit 1 in 10,00,000 unauthorized persons. Assume that 95% of those who ?
What volume of water per second leaks into the ship : A ship is floating on a lake. Its hold is the interior space beneath its deck; the hold is empty and is open to the atmosphere. What volume of water per second leaks into the ship
Find the period of small oscillations of the piston : At the equilibrium position, the piston is situated at the hight l0 from the bottom of the cylinder. The pressure outside of the cylinder is P0, the cross section of the cylinder and the piston is S.
Do you think your company has a right to do this : The sales team of Sand Shell Inc. consists of six persons who use the e-mail service extensively for their communication with clients. Bob, one of the salespeople, is going on a vacation.
What is the mach number upstream of the shock : Upstream of a normal shock in air the pressure is 14.7 psia and the temperature is 528R. Downstream of the shock the air pressure is 76.8 psia. What is the Mach number upstream of the shock
Explain the partial pressure of each gas : A deep-sea diver uses a gas cylinder with a volume of 10.0 L and a content of 51.0g of O2 and 32.5g of He. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas and the total pressure if the temperature of the gas is 15 deg C.
Determine out the angle of flint glass prism : Find out the angle of flint glass prism which should be combined with a crown glass prism of 5 degree so as to give dispersion but no deviation
How long battery can power car whose charging system failed : The reserve capacity (RC) of a car battery is defined as the number of minutes the battery can provide 25.0A of current at a potential difference of 10.5V.


Write a Review

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