Do you think training is needed to solve the performance

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133023578

In March of 2013, a teenage boy visiting a Tim Hortons franchise in London, Ontario suffered an asthma attack. The 17-year old boy was having difficulty breathing and gasping for air as she tried to get the attention of employees. According to a customer who witnessed the incident, an employee asked "What do you want?" kind of rudely and all the boy could say was, "Help" and "Phone". Employees told him the phone wasn't for customers and directed him to a payphone across the street at a variety store. According to the witness, "The teen boy was going between the two tills, there were five or six employees... he was visibly in distress. They didn't ask if he needed help. The whole time, not of them came out from behind the counter to see if he was OK." The customer who witness the incident called 911 and stayed with the boy until paramedics arrived. However, when they arrive they found themselves at an exit-only door, the employees did not open to the door to let them in, so the paramedics had to pry the door open to get to the boy and take him to the hospital.


1. Run the asthma attack incident through the needs analysis process. What is the performance problem and is it important? Who are the stakeholders? What information would you collect by doing an organizational, task, and person analysis? What are some of the outcomes that would result from the needs analysis process?

2. If Tim Hortons were to conduct a needs analysis following the asthma attack, what methods and sources should they use? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method and source.

3. Do you think training is needed to solve the performance problem? Consider some other solutions to performance problems and where they could be appropriate. How would you know if the training was the best solution to the performance problem?

Reference no: EM133023578

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