Do you think this play was meant to give power to women

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Reference no: EM133555650


After reading Lysistrata, describe how this play would have been staged, acted, and received (by Greek audiences). Be specific in your response- think who, what, where, when, why and how- describe stagecraft, theatre architecture, acting, costumes, etc. Make sure that for each of these descriptions you provide an example (a citation and specific scene and/or character) from Lysistrata.

Think about who went to the theater, and how the audience would have received the play. What was happening in Greek history when this play was performed?

What makes this play a comedy? Is this funny to YOU? Why or why not? Did audiences (of that time period) laugh at Aristophanes' concept and/or at the impossibility of women having power at all (think about the role of women in Greek society)? Or do you think this play was meant to give power to women? In your opinion, who is laughing at whom and what does historical context have to do with this?

Reference no: EM133555650

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