Do you think there is a market for doggy ubers

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131264588

Uber for Dogs?

New technology and app start-ups are popping up almost on a daily basis, with many aiming at providing even more ways for people to maintain their social and personal lives from their phones. Many people's lives revolve heavily around their pets, often having to leave work or social events early to ensure their pets aren't locked up in their house all day. Well, a string of start-ups have developed an "Uber for Dogs," providing dog-walking and dog-sitting services through an app. While this seems like a great idea and an untapped market, there is some concern on what the potential for expansion is for this.

• Do you think there is a market for "Doggy Uber's" such as the ones mentioned in the article (link is below)? Or are markets going to be strictly limited to urban areas?

• Why do you think these apps will or will not fail?

Answer the above 2 questions in 2 pages. No introduction or conclusion needed. Answer the questions above directly.

Link to article:

Reference no: EM131264588

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