Do you think the methodology used to study was valid

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Reference no: EM133486373

Assigned Reading: Thistlewaite and Wooldredge, Part 1, Chapter 4, Problem-Oriented Policing: Can Police Fix the underlying problems responsible for crime? pp. 78-87 After reading the article answer the following questions in a discussion posting: You must also comment on two of your classmate's postings by the end of day 7.

1. Do you think the methodology used to study was valid?

2. What limitations do you see, if any, in the way the study was conducted?

3. Based on your knowledge and experience do you think this study's findings are still valid? Why or Why not?

Reference no: EM133486373

Questions Cloud

Which one does the text suggests, was most important : which one does the text suggests, was most important as post Civil War in Liberia on the two police reform efforts
Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk : Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk to the global environment that you would choose to present it to the UN
What are your thoughts on the content : It is also seen as an inexpensive sentence that also benefits the community through unpaid labor. What are your thoughts on the content above
Impediments to effective intermediate sanctions : Discuss the case for intermediate sanctions and the impediments to effective intermediate sanctions and Are there some crimes that should not be eligible
Do you think the methodology used to study was valid : Based on your knowledge and experience do you think this study's findings are still valid? Why or Why not
Why is long-term financial planning important for companies : Why is long-term financial planning important for companies and individuals? What one short-term financial goal you have for yourself as you begin your career?
Define the patient, family, or population health problem : define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration
How courts should interpret that requirement : how courts should interpret that requirement. Discuss this statement with reference to case law on statutory interpretation
What is a recent example of a cyberterrorism indecent : What is a recent example of a cyberterrorism indecent. How is cyberterrorism being addressed operationally and legislatively?


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