Do you think the draft should be re-instituted

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Reference no: EM131035557

Required a persuasive sppech done in the given format i already have the paper done and i just want someone to put the paper in this exact format the paper isnt as long as the sample outline. The sample outline is just an example of how it should look.


I. Attention Getter: The draft was utilized during times of war to increase the numbers of the forces. It was used in WWI, WWII, and Korea; and in many cases in those wars, men were honored to serve and some even volunteered. During the Vietnam War, the draft was also used to enlist thousands of men into the armed forces. These were not men who volunteered, but were required by the government to serve. In a time of sociological changes in the U.S. due to the civil rights, hippie, gay and women's movements, and because many who opposed were the  "baby boomers" who did not see much war, if at all, in their life, this became a problem in our country in the 1960's. A strong resistance of the draft emerged which cause great strife among the people in our country. Some resisted so badly they left the U.S. In a post on the Vietnam War Draft Lottery site in 2007, a draftee "Jimmy, Georgia, 1969 draft Number 211" posted: "Nothing is Fair About it..."Yes, I remember those days very vividly! I graduated from UGA in 1969 and started working at Macon Jr. College as an Instructor. My draft board in Cairo, Ga. (my hometown) said I had to go serve. I moved my draft status to Macon, Ga. where I was living and appealed the decision. The draft board in Macon, Ga. was composed of 5 members. The vote was 3 to 2 that I had to serve. I then enlisted so I could at least serve out the rest of the year in my teaching position. I did not have a lot of money or influence so I was not able to get into a reserve unit or avoid the draft. Some of my friends got into reserve units even when they did not have an opening. Nothing fair about the lottery as far as I was concerned! The draft caused me to go through a divorce and my monthly pay dropped from over $1,000 to a little over $100. This created all kinds of credit problems for me. Knowing now what I did not know then- I should have headed to Canada! Did not serve in Vietnam but lost some friends there. Never forgive this country for getting into it!"

Draftees made up a bulk of the infantry and riflemen in Vietnam. These were men who had very little training to prepare themselves for a war that no one agreed with. According to Wacklepedia, an online encyclopedia, the draftees also accounted for more than half of the Army's battle deaths. Because of the utter failure of the draft during the Vietnam War, the draft was dissolved. With the ongoing conflict in Iraq and in other areas of the Middle East, and even a possible issue with North Korea, many wonder if the draft will once again be implemented to maintain our forces overseas since the numbers of our military have decreased drastically over the last few years.

II. Thesis: The reinstitution of the draft is an issue that has been considered and debated in our nation.

III. Preview of Points: Today we will explain to you the problems with the draft, some possible solutions to re-instituting the draft, and why it is important to not re-institute the draft in America.

Transition: The first thing you need to know are some of the problems related to the draft being re-instituted.


I. The draft was originally implemented to raise the number of forces during times of tension and war.

1. Compulsory enrollment, especially for the armed forces; draft

2. A random selection to serve based on a "lottery" system from birthdays.

3. At 18, men had to sign up with the Selective Services to be placed in the available "pot".

4. A monetary payment exacted by a government in wartime.

5. Temporary selective drafts have played a periodic and often substantial part in obtaining America's wartime Armies (Vietnam, Korea, WWI, and WWI were all predominately fought by draftees.)

A. According to Wacklepedia Free Encyclopedia from Google, the Vietnam War seemed to destroy the legitimacy of the military draft because the draft was not as random as they stated it would be.

1. The draft intensified citizen distrust of strong central government making it possible to argue that citizens should not be coerced by the state to assume the burdens of military service.

2. According to A NY Times Article in January 1970, in an article titled "Statisticians Charge Draft Lottery was not Random", it was reported the draft was skewed disproportionately to men with late year birthdays and non whites.

3. Draftees were not given enough time for proper training which left them vulnerable.

4. People do not want to be forced to serve, especially if they do not agree with the war.

B. According to and, there were problems with "draft evaders" and "fragging."

1. Some people would use their religious beliefs or their enrollment in college to avoid being drafted.

2. Those who are forced may become disgruntled and perform acts of "fragging" which is when a soldier assassinates his own team or officer.

3. Some would just dodge the draft completely and leave the country to avoid going to war by heading to Canada or Sweden (Wacklepedia).

4. Many joined the National Guard or Peace Corps, or took advantage of their student deferment to avoid being drafted (Wacklepedia).

5. Many found sympathetic doctors who would classify them as 4F, which is a medical excuse that would make them ineligible to be drafted.

6. On October 15, 1965, the first student-run protests occurred with the first public burning of draft cards to show resistance (Wacklepedia). Transition: Now that you have some knowledge of the problem, there seems to be only two solutions to this problem.

II. In order to maintain a good sense of respect for government and to avoid fragging and draft evasion, we as a country must encourage two simple solutions.

A. Maintain Voluntary Enlistment

1. Keep the military a voluntary military. Allow Americans to step up to the plate and take responsibility for their country and its democracy.

2. To do this the branches would have to increase publicity campaigns by offering attractive enlistment packages and by persuading Americans that it is their responsibility to protect our country and in this they will be able to have experiences they never had before and see other  countries. In addition to changing the negative perception of the military.

3. This would allow the military to recruit from willing volunteers and would be able to create a more effective military. It would also reduce the chances of fragging and disgruntled enlistees and create a better trained military.

4. Some Americans may feel that it is not their job to "protect" the other citizens in this country and may decide to ignore the messages. Some think the military is full of a bunch of gun happy people that are just trained to kill, so the perception of the military could be negative.

B. Intensify the Recruitment of Military Branches

1. There needs to be more positive advertisement encouraging Americans to serve their country and really "Be all they can be"; explain the importance of protecting and serving their country.

2. The Army Recruiting Command reports that there are over 1500 colleges willing to defer enrollment of active duty soldiers and reservists until they complete the initial enlistment requirements.

3. The military's ROTC program offers full scholarships to eligible candidates who want college first then active duty military service, while the Montgomery G.I. Bill provides partial scholarships for those who choose to enlist first then attend college while they are active or after they complete their enlistment.

4. Commercials and Internet ads will need to be increased, as well as personal recruitment attempts at high schools and colleges through career fairs or information tables offering money for school.

5. By increasing the recruitment and incentives for joining, in a positive and upfront manner, enlistees will have a more clear idea of what their duties will be and will be more willing to work and train. This, in turn, will increase the numbers when the "good word" gets out to the public that this is a good thing.

6. With the negative view toward the current war, the increased recruitment techniques may not work and the numbers may remain the same. Many people are not happy in the military now and are not permitted to leave, therefore, there is a lack of enlistment because people do not want to be trapped. In addition, there is still the idea of being "forced" into doing something they do not want to do because of the idea of "the military owns you." Some recruiters may fabricate info to get numbers.

Transition: People need to understand that currently there is no need for the draft to be reinstated because it may cause a regression in America over time. Last I will tell you my stance.

III. I believe that draft should not be re-instituted because we live in a country full of proud men and women who would be willing to volunteer to maintain our democracy and position in the world.

A. America has always taken pride in its democracy and freedoms.

1. We cannot allow Congress to decide who will serve and who will not.

2. The soldiers who protect this country should be willing and able, not forced and resentful.

3. The military should be full of volunteers who want to serve. This will make the military stronger and better trained.

B. The problems of the past will resurface into present day.

1. The rallies, picketing and draft dodging will re-emerge.

2. People will not take the draft lightly if re-instated.

3. There have been protests of the Iraq war and other issues today, this will be intensified if the draft is re-instituted.

4. There have been cases of fragging in Iraq since the war began because there were enlistees who were recruited under false pretenses, therefore, the fraggers felt the only way to get out and protest was to throw grenades into their superiors' tents or worse.

5. According to CBS News, in 2005, SSGT Alberto Martinez was the first Army soldier to commit an act of fragging when he detonated a mine directly outside the window of his superiors' room, Capt. Phillip Esposito and 1st LT Louis Allen, killing them both. It was reported that Martinez was unhappy about his poor appraisals by Esposito as a supply sergeant and unhappiness of being in the war since he was a National  Guardsman. Witnesses stated that he disliked Esposito and was planning to frag him. Both widows were at the trial of Martinez to speak for their husbands.

C. Women will also be added into the draft and will have to file for Selective Service at 18 years old, just like men.

1. Some women would not want to be drafted just like the men.

2. Will women dodge?

3. What about single mothers?

D. Some action steps our community can take in support are:

1. Contact your state representatives to encourage them not to allow the draft to be re-instituted.

2. Sign petitions against the draft.

3. Join, or donate to, peaceful organizations against the draft.

4. Create, or join, Internet sites against the draft.

5. Contact the media on any of these steps so the nation is aware of the steps to stop the possible re-institution of the draft.


I. Review pf points: Today we explained to you the problems with the draft, some possible solutions to re-instituting the draft, and why it is important to not re-institute the draft in America.

II. Thesis: As previously mentioned, the reinstitution of the draft is an issue that has been considered and debated in our nation.

III. Clincher: The United States has been considered the most wonderful country in which to live. The citizens of this country have been given the gift of freedom that has been protected by the men and women of our military. People from other countries still want to come and live in the United States because they will have more opportunities. Even though our country is in an economic "crisis", this is still a prosperous country where people can survive, and are surviving. Until the Vietnam War, many men volunteered to join to fight, or accepted their being drafted as a duty.

Currently, our military is a voluntary military that still protects our country and freedoms as well as helps other countries. Why should we have a military that resents their position? Think of Jimmy as mentioned in the beginning. Because he was forced to serve, he chose to enlist. Luckily for him, he was able to stay in the U.S. However, he lost many friends and his requirement to join against his wishes caused him the loss of his marriage. There are so many others that were forced to serve that did see war and came back changed. Some did not come back at all as we see in the list of names on the memorial wall in Washington, D.C. We must keep our military voluntary, and we must honor those who served in any war. Instead of reinstituting the draft and being forced to do something that we do not want to do, perhaps we should think of a phrase from President John F. Kennedy and remember: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."


1. Do you think the draft should be re-instituted? Why or why not?

2. What would you do if you were called to service through the draft?

3. How would you feel if your child, sibling, spouse, or other loved one was forced to serve in the military against their will?

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Reference no: EM131035557

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