Reference no: EM131299112
Following is the topic for the Paper:
"As an industry, Islamic finance and more specifically Islamic banking, has been criticized for neglecting the profit and loss sharing (PLS) model originally intended as its main mode of operation by the theorists of Islamic economics and focusing more on sale-based and lease-based models. Do you think that such a criticism is justified?"
The paper should be double space, around 4 pages long. Students are expected to use at least a total of 5 academic references (reference journal articles or books) in their papers. The paper will be graded based on 5 criteria: content, language/clarity, references, organization and completeness.
The purpose of the papers and the library paper is two-fold: 1) To stimulate students to think more profoundly about questions covered in the course and formulate their ideas on them; 2) To help students write effectively an historical essay.
Textbook - Understanding Islamic Finance John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England
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