Do you think police should consider when making these

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Reference no: EM133453353

Question: Module 5 on 'Police and Juveniles' discusses several different options for police when interacting with youth (e.g., take home to parent(s), refer to juvenile justice system, referral to services). What aspects of the situation (e.g., seriousness, involvement of family, youth has a job), do you think police should consider when making these decisions? Why?

Reference no: EM133453353

Questions Cloud

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What type of data method collection was used : What is the sample size? What is the research design? What type of data method collection was used?
Do you think police should consider when making these : What aspects of the situation (e.g., seriousness, involvement of family, youth has a job), do you think police should consider when making these decisions? Why?
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Describe the different methods and discuss : States use different methods for selecting state judges (appointment, election, merit selection). Describe the different methods and discuss which method
Explain how your perceptions align with or differ from : Think about your perceptions of what causes crime. Does it align with the classical school, the positivist school, both schools, or neither schools?
Briefly describe what juvenile graduated sanctions are : Briefly describe what Juvenile Graduated Sanctions are. How are these different from what you learned regarding the treatment of adult offenders?


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