Reference no: EM133780985
Today we are looking a little closer at the story of the law at Sinai. In particular, we're turning back to Exodus 20-23.
1) What do you think of when you think of the word "law" in English?
2) What do you think of when you think of the word "legalistic" in English?
3). Now, look at Exodus chapter 20 verse 1 and compare it to verses 22-23. Do either of these passages suggest verses 1-21 are more or less important than verses 22-26? Does chapter 21 verse 1 say whether the following verses are more or less important than chapter 20 verses 1-21?
4). From an ancient Jewish perspective, would you say that the story highlights all of Exodus chapter 20 through chapter 23:19 as part of the same divine decree?
5) Do you think modern American would call all of these passages "law" or describe them all as "legalistic"? Would they label some "law" or some "legalistic'? Why or why not? If you don't think people would describe them all the same way, why might they think of some legalistic and some not?
6) Looking at what you read today and what you did for homework due on Monday, and as you think of what you've learned about ancient Israelite environment, economy, and agricultural setting, in what way do you think our modern social and economic context and the differences between us and the ancient Israelites lead us to ignore some passages or even think of them as overly legalistic, while other passages are still considered relevant?