Do you think fraud on resumes and job applications

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131230848

Ethics - What a Fraud!

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Read Case in Managing Human Resources. After reading the case, please complete the following items:

Write a summary of the case,

Answer the critical thinking questions, and Elaborate on two key learnings from the case related to recruitment, selection, and legal considerations. Be sure to clearly state the two key learnings and defend them in well-organized, scholarly responses.

A key learning is defined as significant knowledge gained from reading the case. You may choose to explain your key learnings by offering a real-world application, personal insight, your thoughts and opinions about what was stated, how it is handled at your company, etc.

Please arrange your summary, questions, and key learnings in a well-organized, scholarly response of 2-3 pages. Support your observations and opinions with citations from 2-3 credible sources documented according to the APA Format

Case Reference

Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2012). Managing human resources (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

What a Fraud!

The economy is tight, and there is competition among applicants to land jobs. This setting is expected to lead to an increase in the number of applicants who will misrepresent their background and credentials. The hope, of course, is that this bit of fudging will help them get the job. The misrepresentations might involve a change in the date of birth, shifting a college major, or maybe even the fabrication of a degree.

There may also be lies about criminal records. The fact of the matter is that these misrepresentations, whether "little white lies" or major fabrications, are fraud. It is expected that fraud will be engaged in by approximately 30 percent of job applicants.

Critical Thinking Questions

I. Do you think fraud on resumes and job applications is an important issue for organizations? Why or why not?

2. Sometimes qualifications and credentials are important. For example, do you think it is important that your professors actually have the required qualifications (e.g., PhD) to teach university-level classes? Is it important that your doctor have the qualifications that the medical board indicates are needed? Why?

3. If a fraudulent imposter can perform the job, what's the harm?

Reference no: EM131230848

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