Do you think evidence from neuroscience should be considered

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Reference no: EM133785624

Critical Thinking Assignment

Critical Thinking Content
Watch the following video focused on peers and adolescent behavior.

Based on the information from Lesson 2 Lecture 4 and the video clip, do you think evidence from neuroscience should be considered in the juvenile justice and criminal system?

Should neuroscience be admissible to determine the most appropriate punishment or rehabilitation strategy for a young offender? If so, why; how would this type of evidence be important for a judge or jury to consider? If not, why not; do you think it would not be useful?

Write a Summary
- Font: 12pt Times New Roman
- Format: MLA or APA 7 format
- Minimum: 300 words
- Maximum: 400 words
- Sources: Utilize 2 sources with proper citations
- You must include references, but this does not count toward the 300-400 words.

Reference no: EM133785624

Questions Cloud

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Examine the theme of fortune in boccaccios decameron : Examine the theme of fortune in Boccaccio's Decameron, especially in connection to the story about Andreuccio da Perugia.
What kind of organizational structure does organization use : Consider a hypothetical software development company called Sprint. What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?
Do you think evidence from neuroscience should be considered : Determine the most appropriate punishment or rehabilitation strategy for a young offender? If so, why; how would this type of evidence be important for a judge
What impressed you the most based on the experience : What impressed you the most based on this experience? How does this organization help/contribute to the community? Is this organization unique or not?
How did affect chisholms campaign and her chances of winning : What was happening in the country during the 1972 presidential campaign? How did this affect Chisholm's campaign and her chances of winning?
Discuss what is the premise of the theory and key concepts : Discuss what is the premise of the theory, key concepts, and the contributors to the theory. Must discuss the strengths and limitations of the theory.
Headaches palpitations and sweating after consuming red wine : A 30-year-old female patient on an MAOI for depression reports severe headaches palpitations and sweating after consuming red wine


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