Reference no: EM133316881
Are you a good delegator? The quiz in below can help you find out. The more times you answer "yes" to the questions the more you need to learn to delegate. After completing the quiz, give some examples of how you can delegate responsibility to four of the questions you answered "yes" to.
Do you take work home regularly?
Do you work longer hours than your employees or other supervisors?
Are you unable to keep on top of priorities?
Do you rush to meet deadlines?
Are you still handling activities and problems you had before your last promotion?
Do you spend time on routine details that others could handle?
Do you spend time doing for others what they could be doing themselves?
Are you constantly interrupted with questions or requests about ongoing projects or assignments?
Do you like to be personally involved with every project?
When you return after a vacation or some other absence from the office, are there a lot of "catch up" activities that you need to do?
Do you want to help some of your subordinates be promoted?