Do you see any patterns in your dreams

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133347020


1. In a separate dream log, record your dreams each day for about a week. Everyone dreams, but few people remember their dreams; and those who do remember their dreams find that the memory of the dream seems to fade away soon after awakening. For this reason, it is important that you write down your dream as soon as possible after waking. If you are having trouble remembering your dreams try the following tips. Before you fall asleep, remind yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Keep a paper and pen or tape-recorder by your bedside. As you awaken, try to move as little as possible and try not to think right away about your upcoming day. Write down all of your dreams and images, as they can fade quickly if not recorded. Any distractions will cause the memory of your dream to fade. If you can't remember a full dream, record the last thing that was on your mind before awakening, even if you have only a vague memory of it.

2. In your dream log, record answers to the following questions.

  • What dream(s) did you have last night? What happened? What people or animals were present?
  • What were you doing or thinking about immediately before going to bed?
  • What significant experiences did you have yesterday or in the last few days?
  • Are you anticipating any important events today or in the next few days? What are they?

3. After you compiled a week's worth of dreams, analyze your dream log. In your analysis answer the following questions:

  • Do you see any patterns in your dreams? If so, briefly describe them and provide support for them using examples from your dreams. If not, speculate why you think you do not see any patterns.
  • Do- your dreams and your analysis provide support for any of the theories proposed about dreams and their origins? If so, specify how? Give examples from your dreams to support your answer.

4. Turn in only your analysis and reflections (you do not have to turn in your dream log). Your analysis and reflections should be at least two to three paragraphs long, and should address all the questions under step 3 of the instructions. Remember that the entire class will be able to view your work, so don't write anything you wouldn't want people to know!

5. Finally, to receive full credit on this assignment, you must also make a thoughtful comment on at least one of your fellow student's posts. In your comment reflect on their dream interpretation and, if applicable, offer an alternative interpretation using one of the other theories of dreaming not discussed in their interpretation.

Reference no: EM133347020

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