Do you know anyone who has been subjected to identity theft

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131016327

1. Discuss how vulnerable you are online and whether this might affect your future, eg. when applying for a new job or a security clearance

2. Discuss a famous person, past or present, who you consider to be an example of a creative person in your field and discuss why.

3. We live in a connected world. Who do you think is most vulnerable to having their information stolen on the Internet. Why? Do you know anyone who has been subjected to identity theft? Do you think about how safe your information is on the Internet? What do you do to protect it?

Reference no: EM131016327

Questions Cloud

How the author justified his or her position : Choose a controversial topic that interests you in infant toddler development . Find two academic articles (not websites or popular publications), published after 2005, that take opposing views on this topic.
Why this is a significant topic : The subject matter of this paper includes: Why this is a significant topic, Who it is significant to and why (intended audience) and What ways of addressing this topic to that audience would make the topic salient
What brain areas would probably be active : How do PET and MRI work? If you were showing a person words while having an MRI, what brain areas would probably be active? If a brain injury victim is unable to move the right arm, in which area of the brain would an MRI scan most likely reveal dam..
Analyzing competitors financial statements : Explain the meaning of each ratio- Do companies want the ratio to be a higher or a lower figure? Why? Which stakeholder(s) will be more interested in the ratios? Why?
Do you know anyone who has been subjected to identity theft : Discuss a famous person, past or present, who you consider to be an example of a creative person in your field and discuss why.
Categories of funds prescribed by gasb standards : What are the three categories of funds prescribed by GASB standards and which fund types are included in each? Do the three fund categories correspond precisely with the three activity categories described in? If not, how do they differ?
Market timing- payoffs and costs : The Overview-Summary section should include a statement of the author's hypothesis or proposition. This section should be the briefest.
Identifying information about the state board : Using the information you gathered, write a 1,250-1,500-word paper on your state credentialing board. Include the following in your paper: Identifying information about the state board (name, location, etc.) Mission of the state board
Benefits and challenges for the technology activity : Create a flowchart of three to five classroom activities that include technology-enhanced methods and strategies to maximize student learning.


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