Do you have stone age teeth

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Reference no: EM131773326

Do You Have Stone Age Teeth?

Today's American generation have the opportunity to get their teeth cleaned every six-months. Teeth are stronger in today's American generation than the teeth that Stone Age Humans had. The diets that humans are consuming can have a huge impact on the state their teeth are in. Stone Age Humans could not have healthier teeth when today's generation has the knowledge on how to maintain healthy teeth, are able to get problems with their teeth fixed, and decide what diet is going into their mouths.

Today's American generation started maintaining healthy teeth by being introduced to a Dentist at a young age. If someone who has a gorgeous smile, the likeliness of that person never seeing a Dentist or brushing their teeth is extremely slim. People may not think how beneficial their toothbrush is, but everyday choices of maintaining oral health can help keep the teeth and body healthy. Dentists educate and introduce treatments to today's generation on ways to maintain healthy teeth. Colgate explains, that fluoride strengthens teeth by penetrating tooth structure and replaces lost minerals to repair acid damage. People get fluoride treatments from their toothpaste and teeth get fluoride treatments at Dental cleanings. Although this may go unknown to why teeth are strong, Stone Age Humans did not have Fluoride treatments available like today's generation. From a young age, children are taught proper oral hygiene routines, and the goal is to continue to maintain those routines the rest of their lives. Dentistry is about preventing oral disease (Phinney 43). Seeing the Dentist is crucial for keeping up with good oral health, but when teeth do not get proper care like the Stone Age Humans did not have, that can become a major issue.

When teeth do not get the proper care when problems start to occur that is only causing long term problems. The ADA explains, that tooth decay is entirely preventable. When teeth are left untreated they do not regrow like a flower in a garden. Health is important for everyday life, but just as bodies do not shower themselves, teeth also need cleansed like humans need showers. The Stone Age Humans could not go to Wal-Mart and pick out dental hygiene products. Plaque sticks to teeth and inside of that plaque are colonies of bacteria and viruses clumping together that continue to thicken until taken care of (Colgate). Humans have likely ran their tongue's across their teeth and felt plaque. As Colgate explains, if you continue to leave that plaque on teeth the plaque begins to mineralize and harden into calculus or tartar because the plaque absorbs calcium and other minerals from the saliva which continue to grow into crystals that harden the plaque. When humans focus on dental hygiene a lot can be prevented. Stone Age Humans had themselves to rely on for teeth and did not have a Dentist who could help prevent problems from happening. Dental decay, also known as a dental cavity, begins first inside the tooth, a white spot appears on the enamel which is where the tooth has started to weaken inside and at that stage the tooth can be repaired (Colgate). The start of a cavity can be a simple fix if humans see a Dentist, but when a cavity is left untreated the cavity will lead to tooth ache then to extraction. When humans feel a tooth ache the Dentist is the next step, but Stone Age Humans would not have known their teeth were unhealthy. Thus, the recent American generation should take advantage of current support. Although the Dentist can help maintain good oral health, humans should also be aware of what their teeth are chewing down upon.

The diet humans consume has a huge impact on the health of the teeth. According to ADA, foods that contain sugars of any kind can contribute to tooth decay. Abreu states, that dental cavities also are common dental problems for humans that are obese. The American diet is far from plant based, unless the person chooses to have that specific diet. The ADA explains, what humans eat can affect your dental health and poor nutrition can contribute to gum disease which is a major cause of tooth loss. Stone Age Humans had excellent plant based diets compared to Americans. Although Americans are aware of what a healthy diet is, Americans continue to eat what teeth consider to be toxic. Phinney explains, Dental cavities are a simple equation that starts with sugar plus plaque which equals acid, and with that acid on the tooth it will form decay. Bacteria loves sweet and sticky foods that stick on teeth and turn into acid, that acid then attacks the tooth enamel which is the outer surface of your teeth (Colgate). Americans do not realize what those sweet and sticky foods are doing to their dental health. Although the Stone Age Humans had better diets they still did not have regular cleanings or floss that could get the food off their teeth as today's generation has the opportunity to do. Which is why the recent generation sees a Dentist to help maintain healthy teeth.

There is a claim that Stone Age Humans had healthier teeth than people do today (Dallas). When humans choose to go on diets the main food groups are similar to what Stone Age Humans ate every day. Dallas explains, Stone Age human's main diets were grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. The best nutrition for your teeth consists of Vitamin A, D, E, K (Phinney 72), which was what the Stone Age Humans diet consisted of. Food is beyond processed for the recent generation, and although Stone Age Humans did not have Dentists, what Stone Age Humans did have was an excellent nutritional diet which is what the teeth need. Stone Age Humans teeth were not introduced to processed food and sugar, so their teeth may have lasted longer without seeing a Dentist. Therefore, healthier teeth may have been present in Stone Age Humans linking to their diets.

A healthy diet also leads to healthy teeth. Dallas explains, the modern mouth exists in a permanent disease state ever since the introduction of processed sugar and flour from the introduction of food manufacturing in the Industrial Revolution, which dramatically increased the causes for cavities. Today's American generation deals with processed food and sugars on a daily basis. The Stone Age Humans did not have to worry about processed foods that could potentially cause damage to their teeth, which leads to evidence why the claim is stated Stone Age Humans had healthy teeth than today's generation (Dallas). With Americans diets if their teeth do not see a Dentist regularly the teeth may be in danger to bad health. Cavities left untreated (the author is unknown?) explains, when a cavity is left untreated that can be compared to any type of infection, because it is composed of harmful bacteria, and when left untreated the cavity will continue to grow, destroying the tooth, causing extreme pain until you get a root canal done or if there is too much damage already done the tooth will need to come out. Unhealthy diets link to cavities and Stone Age Humans may not have had as many cavities due to their excellent diet. With the diets Americans have, not being educated sufficiently on the side effects of bad oral hygiene are one of today's problems for the American generation. Koppleman explains, not only is plaque terrible to be left on teeth it also can lead to gum disease which is when plaque continues to stay on the teeth leading to an infection and if this is not taken care of the teeth with become loose, and can then lead to heart disease if left untreated. Today's generation should have no excuse to why they do not have good oral health besides being lazy. People could agree that because of Stone Age Humans excellent diet the teeth could have been healthier if the teeth were compared to an individual in today's generation whose teeth have never seen a dentist, and has an unhealthy diet.

Today's American generation have the potential to have healthier teeth than Stone Age Humans. When Americans have the opportunity to seek a Dentist their teeth have the opportunity to get fixed and become healthier than Stone Age Humans. The only help with good oral health the Stone Age Humans had were the diets and nutrition that were being consumed. The recent American generation not only have Dentists, but have numerous products that are available to keep up with good oral health. Between floss, toothbrushes, mouthwash, and tongue scrappers, the recent generation has no excuse to not have good oral health. Overall, the opportunities for today's generation on maintaining healthy teeth were not a consideration for Stone Age Humans and there should be no reasons as to why today's generation does not have healthier teeth than Stone Age Humans did.

Thus, today's American generation has healthier teeth than the Stone Age Humans did. The potential this generation has to maintain good oral health has countless opportunities than the Stone Age Humans had. When there are teeth present that means all the problems are possible to happen and without a Dentist the Stone Age Humans were living towards tooth ache without being able to get that fixed. Regular visits to the Dentist and being aware of the state teeth are in allows this generation to have healthier teeth than the Stone Age Humans did.

Reference no: EM131773326

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