Do you have specific type of business or industry

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132077922

1. If you started business, what are the items that you would want to research? You can use an example business as an example or a business you are interested in. State the items in terms of specific questions you would want to have answered.

2. Do you have a specific type of business or industry that you are interested in? Are you more interested in B2C or B2B? How do you see the role of entrepreneurism being different in large companies versus small companies? Is starting a local restaurant and starting a company like Facebook, both entrepreneurial endeavors? What is the difference?

Reference no: EM132077922

Questions Cloud

Underestimate the importance of the non market issues : Corporate Managers should not underestimate the importance of the nonmarket issues.
Business problem statement : Brief description of proposed solution. General benefits it will provide the organization. Audience to whom you are presenting the recommendations.
Explain reasoning for the capital structure : Some say debt is expensive is equity is free. Some say equity is expensive and debt is lower cost that equity. Which statement do you agree with and why.
How would you define efficiency in light : How would you define “efficiency” in light of the end users’ view of resource availability?
Do you have specific type of business or industry : Do you have a specific type of business or industry that you are interested in?
What difficulty does create in given problem : Savings and loan institutions derive funding primarily through short-term consumer savings and checking accounts in contrast to their loan demand.
How do the environmental dimensions of the services cape : How do the environmental dimensions of the services cape explain the success of central market?
Organization to alleviate these turnoffs for future customer : What suggestions would you make to the organization to alleviate these turnoffs for future customers?
What is sarah holding period return : Sarah purchased 100 shares of General Electric stock of at a price of $58.27 three months ago. She sold all stocks today for $53.14.


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