Reference no: EM132257934
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security identifies seven departments and agencies that are sector-specific and are tasked to specifically protect the critical infrastructure from terrorist attacks within the United States.
For this assignment, you will create a blog posting of at least 250 words to examine one of the agencies/departments outlined in the textbook. In order to complete the assignment, you will need to review the missions of the federal agencies under homeland security .
In your post, you will need to describe the mission and duties of the agency/department. Think about the following while you are preparing your post:
In your opinion, is the agency/department successfully achieving its duties and mission to protect their designated critical infrastructure from a terrorist attack?
What is the agency/department doing to protect their designated critical infrastructure?
Do you have any recommendations for improvement?
Remember that the blog should be in a conversational format. Be sure to explain any technical terms considering this would be for the whole community to view, including those unfamiliar with homeland security terms and phrases.
After your initial response, provide at least one comment to another student. Be sure to respond to everyone who comments on your blog. It is best to post your initial entry early so that you may participate frequently.
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