Reference no: EM131582671
Assignment: Social Media and the "Cost" of Caring
For this discussion post, you must read the Social Media and Stress article (Social Media, Caring, & Stress (Module 15).pdf)and become familiar with the article's main findings.
The article's findings are also summarized in the Module 15 PowerPoint:
NOTE: The Social Media & Stress article is not covered in the Module 15 page. You must read the article and look over the Comm Tech PowerPoint to learn the important ideas for this discussion post and the Final Exam.
First, please do the following:
• Become familiar with the concept of the Cost of Caring. In order obtain a good understanding of this concept, you'll need to read the "Social Media & Stress" article and review the Comm Tech PowerPoint.
Then, respond to the following two questions:
1. Do you feel like you experience the Cost of Caring with your own social media use (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)? Why or why not? Please support your response with specific examples.
Note: If you do not currently have any social media accounts but have been on social media in the past, please reflect on your prior experiences. If you've never had a social media account, then comment on whether you think you would experience the "cost" of caring if you were on social media.
2. How can social media users reduce and/or avoid the "cost" of caring? For this question, you can discuss ways that you, specifically, can avoid the "cost" of caring or ways other people (in general) can avoid it.
Compare your twelve var estimates with the realized outcomes
: Calculate the 10 day VaR at 95 percent confidence level using Historic Simulation for all the dates outlined in table 2
Write the maximum-value function for the problem
: An agent lives for two periods and has an endowment of one unit of a homogeneous consumption good in the first period, and ? units in the second period.
What are the interests rights and values of all parties
: What are the interests, rights, and values of all parties (stakeholders) involved with the potential solutions to the social issue?
Explain i dont believe in getting married
: so I dont care about getting married, I dont believe in getting married, Id ideally love to get married
Do you feel like you experience the cost of caring
: Do you feel like you experience the Cost of Caring with your own social media use (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)? Why or why not?
Show that factor demand functions are downward-sloping
: Suppose the profit function is C2. Using the convexity of p(q) and the fact that Dp(q) = z(q), show once more that factor demand functions are downward-sloping.
What factors do you think contribute to online disinhibition
: If yes, what factor(s) do you think most contribute to your online disinhibition (anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, minimization of authority)?
Eliminate more tentative forms of language
: anthropocentric tendency and way of punishing something that is more feminine and elevating the opposite which is deemed more masculine
Explore the difference between intimacy and sexuality
: Explore the difference between intimacy and sexuality. Add in your own brief personal reflection at the end of the post