Do you ever connect at hot-spots like a coffee shop

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131564572



The purpose of this week's discussion post is to generate conversation regarding computer and internet safety. The material for this week will include videos and articles on keeping your computer and your private information safe. Several key terms will be covered such as malware, phishing, and Wi-Fi hot-spots.


For the discussion this week, choose one of the resources from above and share your thoughts. Have you ever had your personal information stolen? Have you been a victim of a scam email? Have you or someone you know gotten a computer virus? Provide examples that have happened to you or someone you know. Demonstrate strategies that you have learned to avoid becoming a victim of scams and malware intended to harm you or your computer. You are the only one that can keep your computer safe and working properly.

Do you ever connect at hot-spots like a coffee shop, airport or library?

Were you aware that your information could be accessed or stolen by doing this?

Based on the tips provided in this article, will you feel safer accessing a hot-spot in the future?

Reference no: EM131564572

Questions Cloud

How far must pile travel in filling all the holes : A pile of dirt and ten holes are in a straight line. It is 20 ft from the dirt pile to the nearest hole, and the holes are 8 ft apart.
Foreign owned companies from advertising in russia : You own an American company selling a product in Russia adn the Russian Government passes a law banning all foreign owned companies from advertising in Russia.
Chinese balance of payments : The Wall Street journal recently reported that the Chinese central bank has decided to reduce its reserve holdings of U.S. government bonds.
Find the total length of the vertical pieces : A roof support with equally spaced vertical pieces is shown in Fig. Find the total length of the vertical pieces if the shortest one is 10.0 in. long.
Do you ever connect at hot-spots like a coffee shop : Do you ever connect at hot-spots like a coffee shop, airport or library? Were you aware that your information could be accessed or stolen by doing this?
Comprise equilibrium in a macroeconomy : 1. In the model laid out in this chapter, who receives? Who spends? Who saves? 2. What conditions comprise equilibrium in a macroeconomy?
A research essay summarizes- teen parenting : A research essay summarizes- Teen Parenting, A research essay summarizes key points and, then, also adds some critical thinking of the writer
Calculates the percentage of books returned : Calculates the percentage of books returned based on the number of books returned and the quantity sold. Copy the formula from cell F7 to the range F8:F22.
Fidn the current in an electric circuit : During each microsecond, the current in an electric circuit decreases by 9.3%. If the initial current is 2.45 mA, how long does it take to reach 0.50 mA?


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