Do you allow enough travel time to get from one place

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Reference no: EM133512724


Directions: Read the passage and answer the question below. Productivity- When it seems like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to get done, time management skills can be a big help. If managing time is a problem for you, consider some of the following suggestions. Always carry a pocket-sized calendar to recored your class and work schedule and the dates, times and places of appointments, meetings, family and social activities, and other important events. Refer to your calendar every day and think about what's coming up tomorrow. How well do you mangage your time? Do you allow enough travel time to get from one place to another? Do you avoid booking yourself to be in two places at once? Are you sufficiently organized to get things done in a reasonable amount of time? Do you plan ahead for when your car might break down or your child or spouse may get sick? How welll do you allocate your time to balance work, family, and other priorities in your life?


Reference no: EM133512724

Questions Cloud

Discuss the position of secretary of economic development : It is vitally important that these initiatives are perfectly aligned with public policies and sustainable growth strategies, with special emphasis on strengthen
Discuss the article on transhumans : Considering the article on Transhumans (nick-bostrom-transhumanist-values.pdf ( and any research you can do on the topic of bioconservatives.
Instructional strategies for delayed expressive : What are some instructional strategies for delayed expressive and receptive language disorders and articulations problems?
What key idea or analytic trend did you find surprising : What key idea or analytic trend did you find surprising? - What would you tell someone about why that fact or idea is important to one of the 17 SDGs?
Do you allow enough travel time to get from one place : Do you allow enough travel time to get from one place to another? Do you avoid booking yourself to be in two places at once?
Described emotional labour as doing nothing : Some nurses have described emotional labour as doing nothing. For example, taking the time to sit with a patient and talk is often seen as being unproductive.
How do you think planning in todays organizations compares : How do you think planning in today's organizations compares to planning in an organization 25 years ago? How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?
Describe the degree of economic integration in the region : Describe the degree of economic integration in the region. - Define a free trade area, and apply that definition to your chosen region.
Technology and social movements or social change : Discuss an example of a link between technology (internet/social media) and social movements or social change.


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