Do you agree with the following and provide meaningful

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Reference no: EM133398423

Question: Do you agree with the following and provide meaningful and substantial thoughts?

"Malnutrition is a problem in developing countries and is rarely found in the United States", I initially responded that I was unsure whether the statement was true or false. I was aware of poverty and obesity in the United State but less so when it came to malnutrition, or its scope compared to developing countries. I suspected that malnutrition due to being underweight would be less prevalent than in developing countries, which was generally true. However, obesity and over consumption of things like salt is much more prevalent in the United States and is considered a form of malnutrition.

As I expected, malnutrition due to hunger is more prevalent in underdeveloped countries. According to the Global Hunger Index, countries like Yemen, Haiti and Afghanistan have much higher rates of issues such as child wasting and under nourishment than more developed countries like Lithuania, Chile and China. However, the opposite appears to be true in terms of obesity, with the more developed countries like the United States and China having the highest prevalence globally according to the World Obesity Atlas.

In all, while my preconception about undernourishment was technically correct, my ideas of what is considered malnourishment were wrong. Since obesity is also considered a form of malnourishment, it cannot be said that more developed countries like the United States do not also have a problem with malnourishment. In fact, it seems that these countries do not struggle more or less than each other but rather with different issues of malnutrition.

Reference no: EM133398423

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