Do you agree with mcsweeneys view on national cultures

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Reference no: EM131032150 , Length: word count:1000

Part 1

In your blog, you should address the following two sections:

(1) Section 1: list the key ideas you have extracted from the prescribed e-learning activity.

(2) Section 2: apply those ideas to your own experience, to an organisation you know and to the topic(s) of this subject.

Visit the following URLs, and use 'Questions to consider' to guide your thinking. Remember you can select the number of activities to use in your blog (i.e., you can either focus on one activity or incorporate the ideas from several activities in one blog).

Activity 1: Ford and Taylorism


Questions to consider:

1. Would workers in Australia, America or Europe accept the Taylorism in this form today?

2. Consider the design of scripts for use in Call Centres, can you see Taylorism in that? Explain.

3. This ‘clip' is showing history from 100 years ago. Some would say that ‘the world has moved on' and these ideas are out of date. However, could there be parts of the world today for which these ideas might be just what they need? Explain.

You need to watch the yuetube and write 500 words include conclusion

No plajiarism

Harward reference

Part 2

'The myth of national culture' - Counter argument to Hofstede's work by Professor Brendan McSweeney at Royal Holloway, University of London


Questions to consider:

1. Do you agree with Professor McSweeney's view on national cultures? Why or why not? After viewing the survey result done by Hofstede on your home country, who do you think offers a more compelling argument on national cultures? Can a single culture be used to determine the actions of entire population?

You need to watch the yuetube and write 500 words include conclusion

No plajiarism

Harward reference

Total 1000 words for both


Verified Expert

The solution is about 2 Parts where first part is about Ford and Taylorism, and it has 2 sections apart from that considered three questions related to ford and taylorism. Provided solution as per provided YouTube. Section part has question related to culture. Harvard style of references provided.

Reference no: EM131032150

Questions Cloud

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Do you agree with mcsweeneys view on national cultures : Would workers in Australia, America or Europe accept the Taylorism in this form today - consider the design of scripts for use in Call Centres, can you see Taylorism in that? Explain.
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