Reference no: EM133162306 , Length: word count:2000
ASSH101 Introduction to Arts and the Humanities - University of Wollongong
1. Task
Part 1 - WRITE:
Write a one-sided argument (1000 words approx.) in response to the prompt:
Do you agree that the soft skills of X and Y (fill these in with your two chosen soft skills) can help a graduate get ahead in the career of Z (fill in with your chosen career)?
In your answer, ensure you show HOW these skills help a person get ahead, ie what those skills enable a person to do and what the effects of those skills will be on the person when in the career you've chosen
Here's an example of how you might fill in the X, Y and Z:
Do you agree that the soft skills of good communication and well-developed emotional intelligencecan help a graduate get ahead in the career of teaching?
• Follow the structure of the one-sided argument modelled to you in class.
• Compile and include a reference list of the sources you used. You need at least four sources (see list below), including AT LEAST one you source yourself.
Part 2 - ANALYSE/ANNOTATE: (equivalent to 1000 words)
Analyse and annotate your one-sided argument according to the annotation template provided to you and the instructions below.
In order to write your one-sided argument, work independently through the following steps:
1. Analyse the question prompt.
2. Research and make notes on the information you will include. Make sure you keep a list of the references for your reference list (see below). Use a note taking matrix such as the one on page 92 in the workbook.
3. Draft the one-sided argument following the structure modelled to you in class.
4. Edit, redraft and proofread your one-sided argument.
5. Analyse/annotate your one-sided argument and fill in the annotation templates.
6. Use the criteria in the marking guide to assess whether you've done everything that's required.
You need at least 4 references in your essay, at least one that you source yourself, which you could be related to your chosen career. We have sourced some below, which you need to use at least one of, though you are free to use as many as you like.
Your references must be formatted in Harvard style, as per the guide and the last two assessment tasks.
1. Annotation guide:In order to annotate your Argument, work through the following steps:
Type of annotation
1. Essay plan for a one-sided argument.
2. Thesis, Arguments and Reinforcement of thesis
3. Resources for sustaining a position in an argument and conjunctions. Pick your best argument paragraph and highlight evaluative resources and conjunctions you've used, and explain why you've used them.
4. Highlighting an embedded definition and an embedded explanation sequence.
Template 2: Thesis, Arguments and Reinforcement of Thesis
• Copy and paste your Thesis stage and Reinforcement of Thesis stage and bold your Text Preview.
• For your Arguments, copy and paste the Topic Sentences only.
• Colour code your text: Highlight the scope (pink for Focus of study and blue for Lens) in the question and throughout your essay. Use different colours to highlight your arguments and their place in the Text Preview (as per modelled in class).
Essay question: Do you agree that the soft skills of X and Y can help a graduate get ahead in the career of Z?
Template 3 - resources for sustaining a position in an argument and conjunctions
• Choose an argument paragraph from your essay. Highlight the evaluative resources (including positive and/or negative evaluation language, scaling, modality and concession - if you've used them)and the conjunctions you used to help sustain your argument. Then write a paragraph (150 words) explaining to your tutor how these resources have built your argument.
• In your analysis of the paragraph from your essay, you should put any direct quotes from your essay in quotation marks. You should also relate your quotes to the meanings they create i.e. how the resources of evaluation and conjunction help build your argument and make your writing more persuasive.
Annotation 4 (no template):
Cut and paste your whole essay below and highlight in blue an embedded definition and in green an embedded explanation sequence
Assessment 4
Model for writing template 3 (about conjunctive and evaluative resources used to sustain an argument within one paragraph)
Template 3
Choose an argument paragraph from your essay. Highlight the evaluation resources and conjunction you have used. Then write a paragraph (150 words) on how the evaluation resources and conjunctions have built your argument.
You do not have to choose all the evaluation resources or conjunctions. You must choose AT LEAST TWO resources (one evaluation resource and conjunctions OR two evaluation resources. Note - Positive and negative evaluation counts as ONE resource.)
You should give direct quotes from your essay in quote marks. You should also relate your quotes to the meanings they create i.e. how the resources of evaluation and conjunction build your argument and make your writing more persuasive.