Do you agree that society is intoxicated with technology

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131189259

1. Are there any benefits or negative side effects of technology in business that have not been mentioned in this chapter? Discuss.

2. Do you agree that society is intoxicated with technology? Does this pose special problems for business with respect to the ethics of technology? Will such intoxication blind people to ethical considerations?

3. Do you think business is abusing its power with respect to invasion of privacy of both consumers and employees? What about surveillance? Which particular practice do you think is the most questionable?

4. Is it an exaggeration to question the ethical implications for business of cell-phone and text-messaging use? Discuss both sides of this issue.

5. Do you think genetically modified foods raise a legitimate safety hazard? Should government agencies such as the FDA take more action to require safety testing? What about warning labels? Do you think warning labels would unfairly stigmatize GMFs and make consumers question their safety? Is this fair to the GMF industry?

Reference no: EM131189259

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