Do you agree or disagree with the practice of censorship

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Reference no: EM131032551

Read Judy Blume's "Is Harry Potter Evil?" and then write a paragraph in response to the following prompt.

"The list of gifted teachers and librarians who find their jobs in jeopardy for defending their students' right to read, to imagine, to question, grows every year."

Do you agree or disagree with the practice of censorship as it relates to books written by authors such as J.K. Rowling, Judy Blume, Madeleine L'Engle, and Mark Twain?

Your answer should consist of a well-developed paragraph of no less than 250 words, which means your first sentence should answer the question(s) (i.e., topic sentence), and the following sentences should support the topic sentence. The paragraph should be unified and coherent with specific supporting details or examples from the story. The sentences should be clear, concise, and arranged in a logical order. Transitions, pronouns, and repetition should be used to provide coherence. The paragraph should follow an argument format.

Ii do disagree with the censorship so please use this in the discussion.

Reference no: EM131032551

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