Do they inform strategic development

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133395830


Select two companies from two different industries and compare their mission and vision statements, and answer the questions below.

  1. Does their mission/vision statement communicate the purpose of their organization to their stakeholders? (Who we are? What we value?) Explain.
  2. Does their mission/vision statement communicate a future declaration of their organization's purpose and aspirations? (What we want to become?) Explain.
  3. Do they inform strategic development? (How we will achieve our vision?) Explain.
  4. Do they have measurable goals and objectives to gauge their success of their strategies? (How we gauge our degree of success?) Explain.
  5. Identify which company is meeting their goals and objectives, according to their mission/vision statements, and which isn't. Explain why or why not?
  6. What is your own thoughts on each of these companies and how they can better meet their goals and objectives.

Reference no: EM133395830

Questions Cloud

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Do they inform strategic development : Do they have measurable goals and objectives to gauge their success of their strategies? (How we gauge our degree of success?) Explain.
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Mix of both good and bad elements : Find a company policy that you think is good, poor or that has a mix of both good and bad elements.


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