Reference no: EM131313007
Choose an insurance company domiciled in Ohio.(( Nationwide, Grange, Progressive, Westfield, State Auto Ins. )) . Choose a company that has a lot of information available on it's website so that you can do a thorough job with the assigment.
Talk about how the company is structured (Stock, Mutual, Private) (Reinsurance?) what lines of insurance do they sell; how are they sold (direct, through independent agents, on-line, etc.); how have they been doing over the past few years, growing, making or losing money; any major changes in the way they do business; do they operate any non-insurance businesses; what effect does that have on their insurance business.
Provide some financial data, written premiums, loss ratios, stock price, combined ratio etc. (if available).
Do they give back to the community? Do you feel employees are happy working there? What do you think the prospects are for future growth and profitability? Please elaborate on any / all of the above items or anything else you found to be interesting about this company. The paper should be 2-3 pages in length.
History of the farmworker movement in the united states
: Each section contains primary source materials that document the history of the Farmworker Movement in the United States between 1962-1993. For example, you may want to read a couple of essays written by farmworker strikers and volunteers.
Design and implement a timedate adt that can be used
: Design and implement a TimeDate ADT that can be used to represent both a date and time as a single entity.
Illustrate the revenue cycle using a flowchart tool
: Illustrate the revenue cycle using a flowchart tool. Take the patient through the cycle from the initial point of contact through the care and ending at the point where the payment is collected.
What is the expected return on stock y for next year
: If there is a 50% chance that the economy will recover, and a 50% that it will not, what is the expected return on Stock Y for next year?
Do they give back to the community
: Do they give back to the community? Do you feel employees are happy working there? What do you think the prospects are for future growth and profitability? Please elaborate on any / all of the above items or anything else you found to be interesti..
Design a student file writer adt that can be used to display
: Design a Student File Writer ADT that can be used to display, or store to an output device, student records contained in a StudentRecord object.
Explain each thoroughly with an eye on the advantages
: Examine the alternatives and select the best alternative for this company. Include your rationale for selecting this over the others and discuss the implementation process.Explain each thoroughly with an eye on the advantages and disadvantages of e..
Implement counter adt that functions as a hand-held clicker
: Clicker counters also contain a button that can be pressed to reset the counter to zero. Design and implement the Counter ADT that functions as a hand-held clicker.
Writing pursuant to the ucc statute of frauds
: Grant then promptly sends a letter to Joanne specifying the terms of the sale and shipment, and then days later ships all the art. Joanne, however, upon receipt and inspection, refuses the shipment, contending that the art is not sufficiently "art..