Do the solomon islanders have a right to be above water

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Reference no: EM131504171

Assignment: Academic Analysis 1 (1500 words)

Questions are framed so candidates can demonstrate critical thinking capabilities and must be referenced using an appropriate number of resources. A general rule of thumb is one (1) resource per 150 words, however, please check with your supervising academic if you are unsure. Assessments must use the University's preferred referencing style of APA. Please look to the Help section on the portal for further assessment guidelines.

Ethical Responsibilities in the Age of Climate and Change

This question relates to content in Module 2

First, read:

Climate Alarms Ringing, UN Fails to Act
From Pine Beetles to Disappearing Glaciers, NASA Scientists Tell of "Dramatic" Planetary Changes
Sea Level Rise Swallows 5 Whole Pacific Islands
Ethics and Global Climate Change
Climate Change: The Moral Choices
Corporate Power + Climate Change = Genocide
Plus any other sources you choose to use, then comment on the following questions. Please note that there are three questions, each with two parts. Be sure to comment on all six parts.

1. Do the overdeveloped nations that have contributed most of the atmosphere's inventory of Green House Gasses (GHG's) have an ethical responsibility to make the greatest efforts?

a) What specifically should they do to reduce their own emissions?
b) What specifically should they do to actively assist those most affected by, and least able to adapt to, climate change?

2. Is our climate crisis also a form of cultural aggression - people of one culture destroying the material basis of another. Overdeveloped nations are creating climatic conditions that are melting polar ice and raising sea levels.

a) Does Inuit culture have a right to ice?
b) Do the Solomon Islanders have a right to be above water?

3. The majority world has avoided the costly communications infrastructure of telephone land lines and jumped directly from no telephones to cellular communication. This is called "leapfrogging".

a) Do the overdeveloped nations have an ethical responsibility to share and subsidize knowledge, technology, and manpower so that the majority world can leapfrog past the use of fossil fuels for the benefit of everyone?

b) What specifically should the overdeveloped nations do in this regard?

Reference no: EM131504171

Questions Cloud

Concerning responsible business : Conclude your essay by reflecting on whether, and if so how your views concerning ‘responsible business' as a result of you completing this assessment task
Select an article which discusses performance-based trends : Locate and select an article which discusses performance-based trends in patient safety, risk management, or quality management in health care organizations.
Determine the growth of business tort liability : Determine the growth of business tort liability in the pharmaceutical industry and discuss where and why tort reform is needed.
Comment on that the nursing philosophy is a reference : Nursing philosophy is a reference that helps deem ideas correct, inconsistent, or wrong, and aids in guiding assumptions .
Do the solomon islanders have a right to be above water : Do the Solomon Islanders have a right to be above water? What specifically should the overdeveloped nations do in this regard?
Can you observe any positive effects of hollywood movies : In what ways do Hollywood movies affect national culture outside the United States? What aspects of U.S. culture do Hollywood films promote around the world?
Concept of ethical behavior : Distinguish between ethical and legal principles and practices and define your concept of ethical behavior as it relates to the purchasing and supply management
Majors calculate the mean : For each of the 2 majors calculate the mean, median, minimum, maximum, range, and standard deviation for the columns 'Cost' and '30-Year ROI'.
Literature review on a research problem or phenomenon : Literature Review on a Research Problem/Phenomenon. Examine the available literature on your topic of interest and related topics.


Write a Review

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