Do the social media campaign project

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133518068


Do the Social Media campaign project attached presentation on a specific social media case study. The campaign must be completed, or at least far enough along that some measurable outcomes are available to review. This presentation will review the marketing strategy of each campaign; how was social media used as part of an integrated effort to engage consumers, or was it employed in a standalone fashion? How did the campaign's approach innovate or differ from past marketing efforts for that brand? What was done well or could have been improved on with this campaign? measure both comprehension of the marketing concepts and how well critically apply those ideas to the case study. Would be at least one external resource mentioned in the presentation to back up ideas and provide additional credibility. add external materials that help build your case, not seem like arbitrary additions included because they are required. cite the full references within the deck ,include interesting and unexpected commentary from their sourced materials. One final note: try to have a specific purpose to the speech, a clear story or unique angle that makes the presentation stand out among all the others.

Reference no: EM133518068

Questions Cloud

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What are some of the greatest challenges in leadership : What are some of the greatest challenges in leadership? describe with specific theories and examples, how to overcome those obstacles?
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Analyze process used to tie job descriptions : Analyze process used to tie job descriptions to criteria for candidate selection, paying particular attention to the validity of correlation between job tasks
Do the social media campaign project : Do the Social Media campaign project attached presentation on a specific social media case study.
Why should a company be concerned with supplier quality : Why should a company be concerned with supplier quality? What are the factors affecting supplier management role?
Why does canada have the least developed country tariff : What if she later decides to export eggs to Canada on the side (fresh eggs: of the species Gallus domesticus for breaking purposes only)?
What roles play in the development of performance metrics : What role should employees, in general, play in the development of performance metrics? Why is this role important?
Undertake to perform job analysis : The process/steps a human resource professional should undertake to perform the job analysis.


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