Do the analysis on the data which are under the t test

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM132362931

SPSS Assignment

You are given questionnaires and data. You are required to do the analysis on the data which are under the given types of test as the following:

1) t Test


3) Correlation

4) Regression

5) Chi square

Each test must include hypothesis, research question, SPSS analysis, result expression and assumptions of the test.


Please circle the number for the response that best represents you and your opinions. For open-ended questions, please write your response in the space provided.

There are no right or wrong answers. All your responses will be kept confidential.

Please provide the following information about your school:

Name of School District:

Name of School Site:

1.Is your school a (an):

Elementary school

Middle school

High School



2.What is your current position at this school?
Assistant principal
Security manager/officer

3. How long have you been working at this school?

4. What percent of your annual work time is spent on emergency preparedness and response activities?

5. To your knowledge, please tell us if the emergencies and crises listed below have: 1) Occurred in the last three years, i.e., since September 2002, 2) Occurred over 3 years ago, i.e., before September 2002, or 3) Never occurred in or around your school site.

6. In your opinion, which of the events listed in question 5 above is the most likely to occur in or around your school site in the future? Write your answer on the line below.

7. In your opinion, of the disasters or emergencies listed in question 5 above, which one(s) do you feel your school is not at all prepared or least prepared to handle?

8. Thinking of all of the emergencies and/or disasters your school has experienced in the last three years (since September 2002), which of the following consequences did they have?

9. Thinking of all of the emergencies or disasters your school has experienced in the past (not limited to the last 3 years), what event had the most significant impact on your school?

10. In your opinion, how prepared is your school for emergencies and/or disasters in terms of each of the following areas of emergency preparedness?

11. Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is not at all prepared and 10 is extremely well prepared, how would you rate your school's current overall preparedness for disasters and other emergencies?

12. In certain emergency situations, schools may be required to shelter students for up to 72 hours. In your opinion, how prepared is your school to shelter students for at least 24 continuous hours? Please use a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is not at all prepared and 10 is extremely well prepared.

13. Do you have a personal copy of your school's current emergency plan?

14. Is the plan specific to your school site or is it a general plan?

15. Is your school's current emergency plan designed according to the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)?

16. Was the plan reviewed during the last school year, that is, since September 2004?

17. As far as you know, are the following emergency procedures addressed in your school's current emergency plan?

18. As far as you know, are the following items included in your school's current emergency plan?

19. Does your district office have a copy of your school's current emergency plan?

20. Is your school a designated Red Cross shelter?

21. Does your school provide information and instructions to students on how to prepare for and respond to disasters at home?

22. Who in your school community is involved in developing your school site's emergency preparedness policies, plans, and activities?

23. To your knowledge, how are the parents of your students involved in emergency preparedness activities at your school?

24. What is/are the source(s) of funding for emergency preparedness at your school?

25. What is your emergency response role?

26. Does your school use the Incident Command System?

27. During the last school year, that is since September 2004, what type of emergency preparedness and response training did you receive?

28. In your opinion, how adequate is the emergency preparedness and response training of the following members of your school staff? Please use a scale from 1 (Not at all adequate) to 5 (Very adequate).

29. When responding to school emergencies, school staff may be required to do various tasks. What kind(s) of training do you think would help you prepare for such situations? In what areas of emergency preparedness do you think you or your school staff need more training?
30. During the last school year, how many earthquake drills were conducted at your school?

31. During the last school year, how many fire drills were conducted at your school?

32. During the last school year, how many lockdown drills were conducted at your school?

33. During the last school year, how many district-wide drills were conducted at your school?

34. What other types of drills have you conducted at your school?

35. Is the Standardized Emergency Management System incorporated into your school drills?

36. When does your school conduct drills?

37. Do you report your drill activities to the school district?

38. As far as you know, which of the following people are on a school site committee or team that deals with disaster planning and emergency preparedness at your school?

A. How involved is the school site committee/team in developing and reviewing your school's emergency preparedness policies, plans and activities? Please use a scale of 1 (Not at all involved) to 10 (Extremely involved).

39. Does your school have a designated crisis response team?

40. Does your school have a full- or part-time emergency preparedness coordinator?

41. In your opinion, how committed are the following members of your school community to improving emergency and disaster preparedness in your school? Please use a scale of 1 (Not at all committed) to 5 (Very committed).

42. As far as you know, which of the following community organizations or agencies does your school work with on emergency preparedness and response?

43. As far as you know, what types of communication methods are used during disasters or emergencies at your school?

44. Of the communication devices mentioned above, which one do you think:

A. Is used most often during emergencies at your school?

B. Is most reliable during emergencies at your school?

C. Is least reliable during emergencies at your school?

45. As far as your know, which of the following things are available in your school for emergencies and disasters?

46. Were your emergency equipment and supplies inspected/maintenanced this past school year?

47. What other emergency equipment or supplies do you think are necessary for your school? Or, which of your current equipment or supplies need to be replaced with new ones?

48. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about emergency preparedness at your school or in general?

49. We will be conducting telephone interviews to follow up on this questionnaire survey. The purpose of the follow-up interview is to clarify and to explore issues that were addressed in this questionnaire. It will also provide an opportunity for you to let us know about anything that you were not able to express in this questionnaire. The interview will take approximately 20-30 minutes.

Your participation in this interview is voluntary and you may refuse to answer any questions or quit at any time without penalty. All information you provide is confidential. Any reports, publications or other material developed from this study will not contain your name, the name of your school or district, or any other information that could identify specific individuals, schools, or districts.

If you would like to be eligible for the follow-up telephone interview, please provide your name and a telephone number that we can reach you at. We will detach the information you provide below from this questionnaire and keep it separate so that your questionnaire responses remain confidential.

Attachment:- data file.rar

Reference no: EM132362931

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